New member
My HRT for past 2+ years...
So here is my stats first and a little background on my lifting.
Just turned 34 last week.
weight - 190lbs.
height - 5'9
lifting about 13 years.
Did a few cycles when I first started. I stopped lifting after a car accident and was on and off for the past 3 years. the last 9 months have been probably the best of my life when it comes to the gym.
I eat pretty lean and lots of protein I would say 200-250 protein. The only time I mixed any aas was 6 months ago took anavar 40mg a day 2 weeks on and 1 week off for 4 months and made incredible gains in streght and hardnes as well as lost lots of fat. Even after I stop the HGH and the anavar gains were still comming.
Now to the HRT. about 3 years ago I complained to the dr about having low libido and energy and was sent to a Urologist. After a check up and bloodwork He found that I had varicocele (spelling) veins on both sides not just one and my test levels where almost at 200. He told me I would need surgery and then to go on a hormone therapy to make my testis produce their own since they had been lazy for god knows how long. after surgery I was placed on androgel but it was to muchto put that on every day and it was messy. so he prescribed Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid that was 2 years ago and have switch from clomid to arimidex and now back to clomid. My test levels have improved but if I stop Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) my levels drop as it happend once before. about a year ago I asked him to test my igf levels and he said it was low and put me on HGH genotropin for a year. but my insurance didn't want to cover it because they said it was not considered to be low enough. so I went and paid for it out of pocket for about 6 months got expensive after that and stopped. I decided to go back to the gym and take advantage of the hgh and other stuff I was taking. It has now been 9 months I'm in the gym and I am in the best shape I have ever been in but my sex drive is low and the wife complaints like no tomorrow. I saw my doctor 4 weeks ago and told me to stay on hgh and to up from .4 mg to .6 mg. how ever the price is really expensive now.
What I'm taking right now.
Novarel(hcg) 1cc EOD
clomid 25mg everyday.
My gains
I never weight more then 180 even when I got fat and wasnt doing any exercise. had a beer belly and all. In the last 9 months I went up 10 pounds and the belly is gone you can even see my 4 pack.
My max reps before.
bech 225x2 now 265x7
leg press 7 plate e/side x8
now 9 plates x9
dumbbells 80x4-5 now 100x6
squads 275x6 now 315x6
I have to get HGH again but may have to go UGL because with prescription is 4 x the price. My Dr. said I have to stay on it for the whole year this time and even recommended to go to Mexico or Canada to get it for cheaper since I told him the reason I stopped was price. He also said he wants to give me some kind of testastorone to increase my sex drive but told me to wait till my wife gets pregnant before he does since I told him we were trying to have a baby.
Anyway there is my story sorry for the long piece. and if anyone has advice or positive input please feel free.
Also I was thinking on doing another cycle anavar + hgh (since I have to take it) but this time would take it for 8 - 10 weeks to see if it gives me different results from what i got last time.
Thanks for reading.
So here is my stats first and a little background on my lifting.
Just turned 34 last week.
weight - 190lbs.
height - 5'9
lifting about 13 years.
Did a few cycles when I first started. I stopped lifting after a car accident and was on and off for the past 3 years. the last 9 months have been probably the best of my life when it comes to the gym.
I eat pretty lean and lots of protein I would say 200-250 protein. The only time I mixed any aas was 6 months ago took anavar 40mg a day 2 weeks on and 1 week off for 4 months and made incredible gains in streght and hardnes as well as lost lots of fat. Even after I stop the HGH and the anavar gains were still comming.
Now to the HRT. about 3 years ago I complained to the dr about having low libido and energy and was sent to a Urologist. After a check up and bloodwork He found that I had varicocele (spelling) veins on both sides not just one and my test levels where almost at 200. He told me I would need surgery and then to go on a hormone therapy to make my testis produce their own since they had been lazy for god knows how long. after surgery I was placed on androgel but it was to muchto put that on every day and it was messy. so he prescribed Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid that was 2 years ago and have switch from clomid to arimidex and now back to clomid. My test levels have improved but if I stop Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) my levels drop as it happend once before. about a year ago I asked him to test my igf levels and he said it was low and put me on HGH genotropin for a year. but my insurance didn't want to cover it because they said it was not considered to be low enough. so I went and paid for it out of pocket for about 6 months got expensive after that and stopped. I decided to go back to the gym and take advantage of the hgh and other stuff I was taking. It has now been 9 months I'm in the gym and I am in the best shape I have ever been in but my sex drive is low and the wife complaints like no tomorrow. I saw my doctor 4 weeks ago and told me to stay on hgh and to up from .4 mg to .6 mg. how ever the price is really expensive now.
What I'm taking right now.
Novarel(hcg) 1cc EOD
clomid 25mg everyday.
My gains
I never weight more then 180 even when I got fat and wasnt doing any exercise. had a beer belly and all. In the last 9 months I went up 10 pounds and the belly is gone you can even see my 4 pack.
My max reps before.
bech 225x2 now 265x7
leg press 7 plate e/side x8
now 9 plates x9
dumbbells 80x4-5 now 100x6
squads 275x6 now 315x6
I have to get HGH again but may have to go UGL because with prescription is 4 x the price. My Dr. said I have to stay on it for the whole year this time and even recommended to go to Mexico or Canada to get it for cheaper since I told him the reason I stopped was price. He also said he wants to give me some kind of testastorone to increase my sex drive but told me to wait till my wife gets pregnant before he does since I told him we were trying to have a baby.
Anyway there is my story sorry for the long piece. and if anyone has advice or positive input please feel free.
Also I was thinking on doing another cycle anavar + hgh (since I have to take it) but this time would take it for 8 - 10 weeks to see if it gives me different results from what i got last time.
Thanks for reading.