My IGF 1 LR3 Reconstituting...Is it rite?


New member
Add 1ml of AA, which would make the igf1 1mg/ml, then you would have a 100 unit insulin syringe which is 1ml. So, every 10 marks would be 100mcg correct? So, if you wanted say 50mcg wouldnt you just draw up 5 units on the insulin syringe?

Add 1ml of AA, which would make the igf1 1mg/ml, then you would have a 100 unit insulin syringe which is 1ml. So, every 10 marks would be 100mcg correct? So, if you wanted say 50mcg wouldnt you just draw up 5 units on the insulin syringe?

I'm a bit confused, if you add 1ml to 1mg of IGF-1. If a 50mcg dose was wanted drawing up to 5units, Wouldn't half the bottle be used up by then giving him 500mcg?