My little transformation over the last couple years!!

Yes we will be focusing on your weaknesses now.
Thanks again guys. It is hard work but once you see changes it motivates you that much move. Or it does me anyway. This last cut showed me what I have and also showed me my weaknesses. Now I'm supper pumped to bring up my weaknesses. That pushes me.
Youre preaching to the choir bro. Agreed. :)

yea i know.... but alot of the newbie out here dont understand the amount of dedication it takes.. its times like these we get to express such things and share such knowledge
Youre preaching to the choir bro. Agreed. :)

yea i know.... but alot of the newbie out here dont understand the amount of dedication it takes.. its times like these we get to express such things and share such knowledge
You look great brother nice job!!!! Man I need to get with 3j, I've lost some weight the last year but not doing it the right way. i just cut down on cal and started working out, needed to start somewhere now I'm where I think I need to be to realy start working hard and eating right (I can see my muscles again) haha very inspirational you should be proud
Wow just impressive work! I wish more guys would come at this with the dedication you've shown... Too many kids (and adults alike) think it's gonna all come together in 6 months, when the reality is true progress like this takes years. 3j has an awesome rep thanks to guys like you! I can't wait to email him soon and get started on his plan :)
Wow just impressive work! I wish more guys would come at this with the dedication you've shown... Too many kids (and adults alike) think it's gonna all come together in 6 months, when the reality is true progress like this takes years. 3j has an awesome rep thanks to guys like you! I can't wait to email him soon and get started on his plan :)
almost as impressive as that avi bro.. god damn