My log on Gyno reversal.......


New member
So about a week ago I started getting some gyno from test and dbol cycle. which i imedeitaly dropped to take care of this gyno. I am currently on airimidex at 1mg per day and nolva at 40mg
Just waiting on letro and raloxifene I should have that by Friday, then I will be taking letro nolva and raloxifene to try an beat this shit, I quit my cycle and after this probably won't ever cycle again
This mornin when I woke up my nips seemed less puffy and I was pretty happy about that I think It will probably take 4-8 weeks for levels if test and estrogen to go back to normal so it might take a while to reverse the gyno, lumps are there but small they haven't changed for days
Just take Ralox. 60mg for a month and than 30 til it goes away. If u hit 6 months on Ralox stop and than blast anything left with Letro.

Don't combine all 3, don't use Letro with serms.

Just take Ralox. 60mg for a month and than 30 til it goes away. If u hit 6 months on Ralox stop and than blast anything left with Letro.

Don't combine all 3, don't use Letro with serms.


letro with serm is fine if on cycle, if off cycle just use a SERM to try to fix gyno. I would not "blast it" with letro. off cycle your e levels should be normal and crashing your estrogen is not healthy, why i do NOT agree with "letro gyno removal" use a serm at that point, and if after 3 mo it still there, live with it or get it cut out IMO
letro with serm is fine if on cycle, if off cycle just use a SERM to try to fix gyno. I would not "blast it" with letro. off cycle your e levels should be normal and crashing your estrogen is not healthy, why i do NOT agree with "letro gyno removal" use a serm at that point, and if after 3 mo it still there, live with it or get it cut out IMO

I agree with this post 100% ....