My Master Cycle?


New member
Ok guys, I posted here before, but please don't think I'm spamming. I've been doing a lot of research on how to maximize my gains and it seems the more I learn, the more questions I have. It's awesome, it's a slow process, but a man needs his bros, so here I am:

25 yo
215 lbs
15 bf
Endomorph, slin insensitive

Workout 4 days weights, 2 days tennis, swimming or hiking 'nothing intense', 1 day totally lazy bastard

Diet 'ideally' 350 protein, 100 complex carbs 'breakfast and pwo' MCT fats 75-100
With leafy greens, low glycemic veggies
Animal Pak, Amazing Grass 15000 ORAC powder.

Past cycles:
Test p, dbol, deca, winny
Sust, tri Tren, dbol

I'm looking for a clean bulk, so after reading countless steroid profiles, effects, sides, etc.... I've come up with the following:

Test p @ 100 eod week 1-15
Tren Ace @ 100 eod week 1-10
Masteron @ 100 eod week 1-15
Hcg @ 250 iu 2x week 1-15
Adex @ .5 mg eod week 1-15
Proscar ??? I'm yet to read, I'm kind of vain about my hair lol but it's also to keep DHT sides at bay especially since Masteron is very androgenic.
Ghrp2/cjc1293 Ed week 1-15
IGF 1lr3 @ 40 mcg 25 days on/off

I was thinking of adding Anavar, but after reading about it I wasn't impressed. Again, I mean to stay lean, but most importantly I want to GROW. I also read that Winstrol (winny) turned out to be not as awesome as everyone thinks and it's only beneficial for competing.

So my question is, what other AAS can I add to get even better result? I'm trying to stay strictly injectable because I want to give my liver a really nice and long break.

I was thinking NPP, since it's a short ester, so bloat and common deca sides will be minimal. What's an effective weekly dose and how long should I run it for? I'm hoping introducing and eliminating different compounds at different times during the cycle can help keep the body guessing.

Primo is outta the pic for me bc of the $$$, as you can tell I'm investing my summer job savings into this and when I get back to school, I want to skip the parties and the girls and focus on studying and lifting. But that's hard when you're on Masteron lol and when your school is a about a mile from the Strip.

Now PCT: 3 days after last injection:
Hcg @ 500 x10 days
20 MG Nolvadex x30 days.

Is there any alternation to Clomid or nolvadex? I get the Hugh circular break out that take a month or two to burst out, with a ton of repulsive goo when I take nolvadex and I experience something similar on Clomid.

I appreciate the help bro!
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Just because its a shorter estered form doesn't mean it won't bloat you... NPP will bloat you up good. Either way I'd stay away from it... especially if you're running tren, thats all you need.

You have enough stuff, and I'm a fairly liberal guy... honestly I think test and tren is all you need, if you're really looking for some "master" gains just keep upping the tren.

Clomid instead of Nolva, Nolva and tren are not a good combo.
Just because its a shorter estered form doesn't mean it won't bloat you... NPP will bloat you up good. Either way I'd stay away from it... especially if you're running tren, thats all you need.

You have enough stuff, and I'm a fairly liberal guy... honestly I think test and tren is all you need, if you're really looking for some "master" gains just keep upping the tren.

Clomid instead of Nolva, Nolva and tren are not a good combo.

Tren will be discontinued 6 weeks before I begin taking nolvadex, so it will be long gone out of my system. How you think NPP will be a waste? I read it doesn't go smoothly with Tren, but no one explains why so I'm guess it's broscience? I know someone who stacked deca with test and Tren and loved it, bu I don't think I'll ever use deca again because it carries a lot of dead weight, 4 weeks to stabilize in your system, 4 to 6 weeks to clear out, so it's a lot of hassle.

What's your take on Masteron? Also, what about the peptides? Do I really need them? I love the concept of gh pulses but is it really that effective? I think what makes them attractive, especially for me is sleep quality, and hopefully to combat ten insomnia which I never experienced btw.
Masteron and proscar? I think that would directly diminish its effects so I don't believe that will be a good idea. Still though, I believe proscar only prevents 65% of the conversion so there will be some dht conversion regardless. If you're worried about hair loss, I would cut out masteron and stick with the base of test and tren.

Also, the tren will stay active a week after the last inject so you probably want something like Anavar (var) to finish out your cycle. It's quick acting and you can get a nice recomp effect from it before you hit post cycle therapy (pct). I enjoy Npp but you won't get much out of it if you run it 5 weeks. That's when it begins to kick in and show it's full effects so I would recommend another compound unless you start the NPP around week 7 or so.

Good looking cycle! The masteron would be a nice addition, I just would research the impact off a dht-inhibitor on its effectiveness. It seems counter-productive unless you drop the proscar and don't mind taking the risk of MPB.
Tren will be discontinued 6 weeks before I begin taking nolvadex, so it will be long gone out of my system. How you think NPP will be a waste? I read it doesn't go smoothly with Tren, but no one explains why so I'm guess it's broscience? I know someone who stacked deca with test and Tren and loved it, bu I don't think I'll ever use deca again because it carries a lot of dead weight, 4 weeks to stabilize in your system, 4 to 6 weeks to clear out, so it's a lot of hassle.

What's your take on Masteron? Also, what about the peptides? Do I really need them? I love the concept of gh pulses but is it really that effective? I think what makes them attractive, especially for me is sleep quality, and hopefully to combat ten insomnia which I never experienced btw.
Fair enough. I meant that I think NPP would be a waste because tren does everything NPP does but better. Hence my statement... and I firmly stand by my statement that NPP will bloat you more than you hope for.

I don't know much about Masteron, so I'll stick with what I know :)

As far as the peps, I'm a fan. Google datbtrue and join his forum if you haven't already, he has TONS of peptide info on there. I think there are definite benefits to pulsing GH as opposed to having chronically elevated levels of synthetic GH in your system. The diminishment of potential sides is the big one for me.
Fair enough. I meant that I think NPP would be a waste because tren does everything NPP does but better. Hence my statement... and I firmly stand by my statement that NPP will bloat you more than you hope for.

I don't know much about Masteron, so I'll stick with what I know :)

As far as the peps, I'm a fan. Google datbtrue and join his forum if you haven't already, he has TONS of peptide info on there. I think there are definite benefits to pulsing GH as opposed to having chronically elevated levels of synthetic GH in your system. The diminishment of potential sides is the big one for me.

Already a member, took a closer look at it, and I find the idea of CJC DAC to be appealing, the gh bleed, but for how long? How long should I use it for and still within the safe region of sides? I also heard that Tren increases IGF 1 production, so it a good idea to add IGF 1lr3, or it's just wasteful since the receptors are going to be down regulated anyway with the prolonged use of Tren?

My main interest in peptides is for skin and collegen synthesis. You see I lost over 186 lbs before I started playing with chems and my skin is sad to look at, very embarrassingly stretched, so it though maybe a little hg increase could help a little.

My biggest problem with peptides is to find a reputable research company, though a kind friend from this forum recommended a source that I'll most likely try. If any of you guys knows a good research company that has legit Letro, Proscar and Viagra, please pm and I'll be appreciative of you :-)

As far as Tren goes, I think it's evil. And in all honesty, I'm a little scared of any dose over 100 eod. That's why I thought of adding a bulking compound to go along. I don't do well with anadrol, I literally look like a water ballon regardless of what anti e I use. Dbol is awesome, but I still get bloated from it and i want to give my liver a break. I dont want to do deca and well my source doesn't have any more bulking stuff. So I had to choose between EQ and NPP, and since I'm already using a DHT Derivative 'masteron' I thought I'd give NPP a try since its also quicker.

How's the ptc protocol of ten days of 500 iu Hcg then a month of 20 mg nolvadex? I was told about it by a personal trainer/bodybuilder. Also, is there a substitute for nolvadex? I really hate the brutal break outs it gives me.
Masteron and proscar? I think that would directly diminish its effects so I don't believe that will be a good idea. Still though, I believe proscar only prevents 65% of the conversion so there will be some dht conversion regardless. If you're worried about hair loss, I would cut out masteron and stick with the base of test and tren.

Also, the tren will stay active a week after the last inject so you probably want something like Anavar (var) to finish out your cycle. It's quick acting and you can get a nice recomp effect from it before you hit post cycle therapy (pct). I enjoy Npp but you won't get much out of it if you run it 5 weeks. That's when it begins to kick in and show it's full effects so I would recommend another compound unless you start the NPP around week 7 or so.

Good looking cycle! The masteron would be a nice addition, I just would research the impact off a dht-inhibitor on its effectiveness. It seems counter-productive unless you drop the proscar and don't mind taking the risk of MPB.

Very good point! I mean, I chose Proscar because it's the only DHT blocker I have access to. Do you know of any topical DHT blocker? Like a shampoo or hair products? I was actually going to run NPP for nine weeks starting at week 6 of the cycle. Sorry for the confusion. Is Anavar really that good? I think my bf is high for its effects to show.

Also, is there anything I can do about insulin insensitivity?

First off, congratulations on your weight loss, not too many people are able to dig themselves out of that hole. And yes, one of our sponsors here, rui-products carries a topical dht inhibitor that you rub on your scalp, it's called spironolactone. Just be sure to keep your potassium down. I'm hoping that it's spot-specific and not systemic in the blood otherwise it would just make sense to use an oral so you'll have to research that further. Due to being applied on the scalp only, it leads me to believe it is spot-specific and will not shut off dht conversion which is what you want if you are to use masteron.

Anavar is a nice compound at any bodyfat percentage as you will be sure to gain lean mass and decrease bodyfat. That is always a nice combination. With that said, if you are using the NPP for 9 weeks then you will be just fine with that so there's no reason to add more to your current stack.

As far as insulin insensitivity, the only advice that i would give is to improve the diet and lose even more weight. Keep doing what you've been doing, limit the simple carbs so that you don't experience those spikes that cause you to store more fat. And I would also suggest that you eat your meals every 2-3 hours so that your body constantly has that source of energy and you don't deplete your glucose uptake.
Tren is a nutrient partitioner so it will maximize every calorie you give it. With your insulin insensitivity I would highly advise that you are eating enough and often. If say you didn't eat many carbs that day or were on a deficit on a particular day, the tren can very easily utilize everything you gave it and beg for more. Now if you are sleeping and it begs for more and it depletes you then you will have a problem on your hands. You don't want to go into a hypoglycemic shock so feed yourself often when using the tren and always have a good sugary source on hand just in case.
First off, congratulations on your weight loss, not too many people are able to dig themselves out of that hole. And yes, one of our sponsors here, rui-products carries a topical dht inhibitor that you rub on your scalp, it's called spironolactone. Just be sure to keep your potassium down. I'm hoping that it's spot-specific and not systemic in the blood otherwise it would just make sense to use an oral so you'll have to research that further. Due to being applied on the scalp only, it leads me to believe it is spot-specific and will not shut off dht conversion which is what you want if you are to use masteron.

Anavar is a nice compound at any bodyfat percentage as you will be sure to gain lean mass and decrease bodyfat. That is always a nice combination. With that said, if you are using the NPP for 9 weeks then you will be just fine with that so there's no reason to add more to your current stack.

As far as insulin insensitivity, the only advice that i would give is to improve the diet and lose even more weight. Keep doing what you've been doing, limit the simple carbs so that you don't experience those spikes that cause you to store more fat. And I would also suggest that you eat your meals every 2-3 hours so that your body constantly has that source of energy and you don't deplete your glucose uptake.

Thank you Bulldog. It was a nightmare and I pulled it together. Thank you recommending the topical DHT blocker, I'll def check it out, good looking out bro. You see my confusion is in regards to masteron, since almost all have said nothing about its effects in terms of gains, hardening and the anti e ability it possesses.
Now I'm wondering whether I should run test p, Tren a, NPP, Anavar, or run test p, Tren a, masteron and NPP.

I personally want serious gains, my first cycle which was concluded in the end of April, I went up from 163 to 234 lbs, but it was done wrong as I jacked my bf form 11 to 23 percent. So. I'm trying to keep my greed at bay and not want to gain as much as possible, so logically I'd have to through away th NPP and use test, Tren, mast and maybe even Anavar while closely watching the diet and intelligently working out. But, again, the sides of masteron seem to be more severe, so I'm a little lost.

I was hoping that IGF 1 lr3 might help with insulin insensitivity as it can cause hypoglycemia in normal folks, so I thought It might help improve my sensitivity. Gotta look that up.

Btw brother, I'd like to have a personal talk with you, but unfortunately I still can't send pms. So, I'd really appreciate it if you send me a pm so I can listen to your opinion about something that relates to this thread.

Thank you!
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Thank you Bulldog. It was a nightmare and I pulled it together. Thank you recommending the topical DHT blocker, I'll def check it out, good looking out bro. You see my confusion is in regards to masteron, since almost all have said nothing about its effects in terms of gains, hardening and the anti e ability it possesses.
Now I'm wondering whether I should run test p, Tren a, NPP, Anavar, or run test p, Tren a, masteron and NPP.

I personally want serious gains, my first cycle which was concluded in the end of April, I went up from 163 to 234 lbs, but it was done wrong as I jacked my bf form 11 to 23 percent. So. I'm trying to keep my greed at bay and not want to gain as much as possible, so logically I'd have to through away th NPP and use test, Tren, mast and maybe even Anavar while closely watching the diet and intelligently working out. But, again, the sides of masteron seem to be more severe, so I'm a little lost.

I was hoping that IGF 1 lr3 might help with insulin insensitivity as it can cause hypoglycemia in normal folks, so I thought It might help improve my sensitivity. Gotta look that up.

Btw brother, I'd like to have a personal talk with you, but unfortunately I still can't send pms. So, I'd really appreciate it if you send me a pm so I can listen to your opinion about something that relates to this thread.

Thank you!

I know you want to go big man, but anything beyond test and tren should be ancillary and complimentary. Tren is the master steroid, it will produce bigger and better by far then anything else listed. If it were me I would go with the NPP and anavar just because I have no interest in the hair loss aspect that masteron may present. With that said, there are highly androgenic compounds here so that will be a concern with any stack you choose above. The topical spiro is probably a must have either way.
Already a member, took a closer look at it, and I find the idea of CJC DAC to be appealing, the gh bleed, but for how long? How long should I use it for and still within the safe region of sides? I also heard that Tren increases IGF 1 production, so it a good idea to add IGF 1lr3, or it's just wasteful since the receptors are going to be down regulated anyway with the prolonged use of Tren?

My main interest in peptides is for skin and collegen synthesis. You see I lost over 186 lbs before I started playing with chems and my skin is sad to look at, very embarrassingly stretched, so it though maybe a little hg increase could help a little.

My biggest problem with peptides is to find a reputable research company, though a kind friend from this forum recommended a source that I'll most likely try. If any of you guys knows a good research company that has legit Letro, Proscar and Viagra, please pm and I'll be appreciative of you :-)

As far as Tren goes, I think it's evil. And in all honesty, I'm a little scared of any dose over 100 eod. That's why I thought of adding a bulking compound to go along. I don't do well with anadrol, I literally look like a water ballon regardless of what anti e I use. Dbol is awesome, but I still get bloated from it and i want to give my liver a break. I dont want to do deca and well my source doesn't have any more bulking stuff. So I had to choose between EQ and NPP, and since I'm already using a DHT Derivative 'masteron' I thought I'd give NPP a try since its also quicker.

How's the ptc protocol of ten days of 500 iu Hcg then a month of 20 mg nolvadex? I was told about it by a personal trainer/bodybuilder. Also, is there a substitute for nolvadex? I really hate the brutal break outs it gives me.
You don't like Clomid? You could try toremefine, its a generation 2 SERM that a lot of people are having a lot of success with anecdotally... I'd still have some Clo or Nolva on hand just in case you don't respond well to the torem though, as some don't.

How old are you? I ask you because I too have lost a lot of weight.. not 186 pounds, but still 100+. This happened from age 21-23, and although I had some loose skin finishing the cut, I'm 24 now and I can honestly say my skin is pretty much tight again. To be fair, I've also filled out with some muscle since then, which lessens the loose skin effect. The less water you carry, the tighter you will be, too. Hang in there.

From what I remember reading the degree to which Tren boosts IGF production is minuscule enough that external IGF administration would be fine.
You don't like Clomid? You could try toremefine, its a generation 2 SERM that a lot of people are having a lot of success with anecdotally... I'd still have some Clo or Nolva on hand just in case you don't respond well to the torem though, as some don't.

How old are you? I ask you because I too have lost a lot of weight.. not 186 pounds, but still 100+. This happened from age 21-23, and although I had some loose skin finishing the cut, I'm 24 now and I can honestly say my skin is pretty much tight again. To be fair, I've also filled out with some muscle since then, which lessens the loose skin effect. The less water you carry, the tighter you will be, too. Hang in there.

From what I remember reading the degree to which Tren boosts IGF production is minuscule enough that external IGF administration would be fine.

I'm a year older than you, just turned 25. I'm glad that your skin is tight again, I'm about to lose hope in mine because I've done everything short of surgery and nothing improvement.

So Tren won't increase IGF levels by much? Bummer..... I was looking to skip the it's to save some cash and get anavar instead. Of well..... It's not that. Ont like nolvadex or clomid, it just that they give me insane break out, really gross pimples sometimes in the diameter of a nickel and it's filled with disgusting goo. So I migh have allergies associated with those too.
OK, now I'm reading that NPP and Tren with test make a great combo. Supposedly, Tren will be the father of them all, size, strength, fat loss, by NPP will be mostly geared toward size. Is that true? I thought if you can simply do wide grips, max ot to get size.

So now to further, my on fusion on how to reap the most success and benefits of each compound, I think I'll go with the following:

Test-p @ 100 mg eod week 1-18
Tren-a @ 100 mg eod week 1-12
NPP @ 100 mg eod week 1-12
Anavar @ 50 mg Ed week 14-18
Masteron @ 100 mg Ed week 12-18

Will benefit from both masteron and anavar towards the end or can I do with only one of them?

My question: I will SHUT the **** down after 12 weeks of NNP, Tren and 18 weeks of test.

What's the best post cycle therapy (pct) protocol I can follow?
Should I run HCg during the cycle, and then do 10 days of 500 iu then a month of clomid/nolvadex?
Also, is it a good idea to run SARMS during post cycle therapy (pct)?
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