My new diet, REVIEW PLEASE


Improved and beyond
My new Leanbulk diet:

8:00 50g protein, 80g carbs, 10g fat
Workout around 9:00
10:15 POSTWORKOUT: 67g protein, 67g carbs
11:00 45g proteinshake(nitrotech)
12:00 51g protein, 70g carbs, 10g fat
14:00 51g protein, 70g carbs, 10g fat
16:00 30g protein, 50g carbs, 10g fat
18:00 30g protein, 50g carbs, 10g fat
20:00 30g protein, 50g carbs, 10g fat
22:00 30g protein, 50g carbs, 10g fat

387g protein/487g carbs/80-100g fat/Around 4300kcal

6`0/224ibs/13% bf
What do your meals look like?

Personally, I could never cut with that kind of carb intake. I would eat most of your carbs in the am and postworkout. I would also eliminate carbs altogether from the last meal before bed. Just stick to protein and efa's

Another suggestion is to seperate your food into protein/carb and protein/fat meals instead of eating everything all at once.
Vigilance said:
What do your meals look like?

Personally, I could never cut with that kind of carb intake. I would eat most of your carbs in the am and postworkout. I would also eliminate carbs altogether from the last meal before bed. Just stick to protein and efa's

Another suggestion is to seperate your food into protein/carb and protein/fat meals instead of eating everything all at once.

Im not cutting, just LM building.
I eat this:

Redmeat(only the good stuff inside)
Stuff that is from the cow and is much protein inside.
Fish, i dont know the english word fo it, but i think its Codd?
Rice, only paraboiled
Muscletech supplemants, celltech and nitrocell.
8:00 50g protein, 80g carbs, 10g fat Cowprodukts, eggs and oatmeal
Workout around 9:00
10:15 POSTWORKOUT: 67g protein, 67g carbs (wheygainer)
11:00 45g proteinshake(nitrotech)
12:00 51g protein, 70g carbs, 10g fat REDMEAT+RICE+VEGGIES
14:00 51g protein, 70g carbs, 10g fat REDMEAT+RICE+VEGGIES
16:00 30g protein, 50g carbs, 10g fat FISH+RICE+VEGGIES
18:00 30g protein, 50g carbs, 10g fat FISH+RICE+VEGGIES
20:00 30g protein, 50g carbs, 10g fat FISH+RICE+VEGGIES
22:00 30g protein, 50g carbs, 10g fat REDMEAT+RICE+VEGGIES

And 3times a day i also drink 25g protein from proteinshakes.