My next on-cycle diet --- Feedback please!


Not no f'in Rookie!
Hey guys… new to the board. Thought I would jump right in with some nutritional queries.

My Stats:

Age: 31
Height: 175cm
Weight: 82kg
BF%: 8%

My Goal:

Just coming off a summer cutter and going into a medium bulk phase again, before a heavier one this winter. So, that means aiming for medium gains, which should enable me to keep fairly lean in the process. Going to run Test/Tren/Mast/Tbol.

My Plan:

I have been refining the below diet over the last few weeks. I was aiming for the 40/40/20 macro split and got pretty close. I am pretty good at keeping meal timings and always follow my menus to a "T", prepping and cooking in advance.

I know I have a lot of Whey powder in there right now, but i am still working those out as I find out what works best. I am open to any suggestions.

Also, I am keeping the carbs higher around workout time and in the morning, fats at night around bed time as it slows digestion of protein.

What I need from you:

I am open to any and all feedback, good or bad. I do have a few specific questions though:

- Are my fats too low?
- How are things structured around workout time?
- Meal timings too close in the evening?
- Too much at night?

And anything else you may spot.

THE Menu!

Totals: P = 42.78% (401.4g), C = 35.84% (336.2g), F = 21.38% (89.1g) =====> 3650.7 Cals

Meal 1 - 7am (84.4g Carbs, 19.1g Fat, 66.4g Protein = 751.1 Calories)

2 Eggs
On Whey

Meal 2 - 9:30am (38.3g Carbs, 6.5g Fat, 51.7g Protein = 407.3 Calories)

Chicken breast

Meal 3 (Pre-workout) - 12pm (42g Carbs, 13.4g Fat, 44.6g Protein = 448.2 Calories)

2 Eggs
On Whey
Green beans

Meal 4 (Immediatly after workout) - 2:30pm (59.9g Carbs, 2.8g Fat, 50.6g Protein = 444 Calories)

On Whey (2 scoops)
2 Bananas

Meal 5 - 3pm (39.5g Carbs, 3.2g Fat, 28.7g Protein = 278.4 Calories)

Can of tuna

Meal 6 - 6pm (22.8g Carbs, 6.1g Fat, 54.9g Protein = 375.6 Calories)

Chicken breast

Meal 7 - 8:30pm (33.3g Carbs, 21.5g Fat, 46.5g Protein = 500.5 Calories)

On Whey
Low fat yogurt

Meal 8 (pre-sleep) 9:30 - (16.1g Carbs, 16.5g Fat, 58.1g Protein = 445.6 Calories)

On Whey
Cottage cheese
2 Eggs

10:00pm Sleep
Hey my first post too! haha
I would ditch the whey in your last two meals. I would add a red meat in meal 7, and a casein shake for meal 8. Also I would ditch the eggs in the last meal and add avocado or evoo, but hey it's just advice.
Good luck on the bulk bro!

- Are my fats too low? nope, seem fine to me.
- How are things structured around workout time? seems fine to me
- Meal timings too close in the evening? meal timing doesn't matter
- Too much at night? see above^
Cheers for the feedback. A few questions though out of curiosity.

Why ditch the eggs? My thought was since they are slow digesting, they would be good at night. Also, why the avocado over Cottage cheese?

Thanks!! :)

Hey my first post too! haha
I would ditch the whey in your last two meals. I would add a red meat in meal 7, and a casein shake for meal 8. Also I would ditch the eggs in the last meal and add avocado or evoo, but hey it's just advice.
Good luck on the bulk bro!

It looks fine to me only your going to know whats right for you I would play around with this see how you feel and adjust it as you go.
Cheers for the feedback. A few questions though out of curiosity.

Why ditch the eggs? My thought was since they are slow digesting, they would be good at night. Also, why the avocado over Cottage cheese?

Thanks!! :)

Hey man, I'm pretty sure egg whites alone are fast digesting, but I know the fat in the yolk does slow down the digestion. As a whole I think eggs have about a medium rate of digestion. I do not recommend swapping the cottage cheese for the avocado, but instead the eggs for the avocado. The avocado has good healthy fats that I think would benefit you more than the eggs in that meal.
