I have often said that the effects of rhGH for older guys is quite dramatic. At my age, I produce 60% less endoGH than does a 21 year-old, and my levels have been slowly dropping for years.
Somewhere in my 40's, it became impossible for me to gain size without fat. You younger fellows will find this out if you stick to the life.
GH changed all this for me and many of my old lifting friends.
The change in my body composition was down right amazing during my first 12 week cycle at 6/8/12iu. I never looked back and will do this always, but as golfer mentioned, I stay fine at a maintenance dose of 2 to 4iu.
This is not to say that GH doesn't work for younger guys. It does, and all the younger competitors that I have worked with find that you can't win the big shows these days without that "look" that exoGH imparts.
As for Depot, I think this is a great product. It won't shut you down, because it is self tapering. Take a look at Genentech's charts on this. I'm starting my 4th kit, and am very satisfied....and I know GH, have used every brand out there. I think I have gotten the best reults from Depot of all the GH's out there. Maybe because mine comes straight from the pharm, no guessing about quality. And you can't beat the convenience. This is not to say that the others don't also work. I've had good experiences with Sero, humatrope, chinese, etc.
Got any before and after pics, golfer? I always take pictures, cause the camera doesn't lie.