My Osta review in pct


New member
I have ran several aas cycles and de,ided to change up my pct regimen. The cycle was not heavy so i went with clomid nolva all tapered down during 4weeks, typical pct i use that i use which has restored my natty levels everytime. But this time with the osta

I dosed my clomid nolva and osta in the morning all together. I always kept my osta dose around 5-8mg...thats it. I really wanted to steer clear from suppression and this schedule did wonders. just a few drops is all you need. i weight trained in the morning and cardio in evenings. i have never BEE THIS LEAN. My stomach always looks flat and cut even after huge family gathering where ate garbage all day. Nutrient partitioning effects are very real. I have been getting more compliments about size lately. Just seems funny that im.finishing my pct and my weight is down 8 poumds from the end of my cycle. what they see are more refinedc uts and not mass.

Of course there were sides. Headaches and a am pretty sure I am shedding hair on this stuff though no data suggests its conversion to dht. Small wobbly vision but nothing as noted with s4. Alo got mid morning hand numbness 2 weeks in.

Probably the closest AAS i would compare ito would bea combo of primobolan physically, but mentality of tren. Started to think about old stuff that pisses me off for some reason Also on a side note kudos totnique for the customer service. my vial was shipped but the seal.was off..took a pic and sent it to them. got brand new one in a week.
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Unique's customer service and replacement policy is unmatched.....had a guy measure his bottle of GW out and it was missing 1 ml...they sent another free of charge immediately.