My S4 and GW SARM Stack Log

Nice job! It appears S4 with Gw50 is a winning combo.

It's an awesome combo, especially for combat athletes - strength is an important factor, but strength-endurance is more important, and this combo seems to address that well. Plus, it's keeping me within my weight division - weight gain was something I wanted to avoid.
I'm a huge, huge fan now. Also, I worked I hit my deadlift PR since returning from my injury (worked my way up to 290 lbs for 1 set of 3 singles - which is a huge improvement since 2 weeks ago, when repping out 225 for 5 continuous reps was a challenge - it's amazing how quick your body loses strength when forced to take time off from an injury).
Most importantly, recovery is top notch! That was what I was looking for as a benefit the most (aside from all the other endurance, strength, and cutting benefits that also seem to be contributing). Good stuff so far!
BTW - for my strenght and conditioning programming, I'm a big fan of Joel Jamieson's "Ultimate MMA Conditioning" - he gives phenomenal guidelines on how to train using a heart rate monitor to assess each individual's needs for conditioning and strength - I highly recommend this book. It's a tricky read (very, very sciency), but it is worth the time it takes to make sense of it.
Endurance, especially strength-endurance has gotten better - I'm able to hold isometric squeezes for longer, and I'm starting to regain my ability to pin people who are 20-50 lbs heavier than me (and some of equal or higher skill) - I know a lot of it is due to technique, but I don't care what anyone says, but you need strength and conditioning no matter how much technique you possess (if you're going to be the little guy taking on giants). The key is to have an even balance between the too - favor one or the other too much, and there are openings which others can take advantage of.
Something I didnt' notice until recently is the massive pump this stuff is starting to give me after training (not sure if it's directly or indirectly due to either S4 or GW) - do any of you have this experience? I hadn't noticed until one of my training partners pointed out how "vascular" my arms were looking after about an hour of live grappling (which involves pulling on your opponents gi or cloth a lot, so it's similar to the effects of rock climbing on your fingers/forearms/arms). And my hands/fingers are not getting as sore as they were when I first started training again - although, I still prefer to tape them up for harder training sessions (dislocated fingers SUCK!)
Also, my muscles are starting to feel a lot 'fuller' all around, almost like I'm walking around with a mild pump at all times. Pretty cool stuff!
I'm assuming I have about 1 week, or maybe a little extra, worth of stuff left (not sure how long these bottles usually last). So I have two questions, any advice is appreciated:
1. Should I finish both bottles out, or should I stop at 4 weeks, then go on a PCT for a few weeks?
2. What PCT products do you guys recommend, and how long should I take it for?

I'm planning on taking another cycle again after taking the PCT and maybe some time off - if you guys have any suggestions on cycling and time frames, I would greatly appreciate that as well.
I feel like this stuff starts to peak around the third week or so - this has definitely been the week I notice the effects the most. I had heard very good things about sarms (mostly S4), but I have to say that this really has exceeded my expectations. I figured it would boost recovery and help me regain my previous level of conditioning, or at least get pretty close (my endurance before the injury was second-to-none, so I figured it would take a while to reach that again) - but in just 3 1/2 weeks, I feel like I'm beyond where I was before I got hurt.
At Monday I'll be at about 4 weeks, but there might be a little extra left in the S4 bottle, and a little more than that in the GW. I'm debating on whether I should stop on Monday (4 week mark) and continue onto a PCT, or whether I should finish them out.

It is evident that I have leaned out as well. I know tightening up the diet and training routine had a lot to do with this, but I have never shed the extra weight as easily as I did this time. Once again, I'm sure it was multifactorial, but I have no doubt S4 and GW played a significant role - I'm getting older (just turned 30 a few days ago), and I don't think my metabolism is getting faster, lol - yet, this is the least I've struggled to cut weight. And the post workout pump is crazy! I can only imagine what it's like if I was doing bodybuilding type workouts instead of just grappling - I bet this effect would be insane with a high volume/high rep structured workout (I might just try it for shit's and giggles this weekend - I'm a curious nerd when it comes down to it).

I know I said this last post, but I'm sold on doing another cycle after about 3-4 week rest after this one.
Sorry for the lack of updates - finals hit hard this week (until next wednesday). I have had a lot of crazy things happen last week, training-wise. All good shit!!!
I will post details on Friday after my morning final. Cheers and happy training!
Sorry for the lack of updates - finals hit hard this week (until next wednesday). I have had a lot of crazy things happen last week, training-wise. All good shit!!!
I will post details on Friday after my morning final. Cheers and happy training!

Hope finals went well, how it going so far with your logs?