My Second Cycle, Test E/Dbol/HcG/Nolva. Thoughts?


New member
What do you think of my second cycle?
Weeks 1-4 30mg Dbol
Weeks 1-12 500mg Test E
Weeks 11-14 HcG 250-500iu's
Weeks 15-16 40mg Nolva
Week 17 20mg Nolva

I am looking to bulk from this cycle and aiming to keep majority of my gains (dont we all?) (+20lbs)

Obviously upping the ante from my first cycle (see below). Increasing Test E by 66% and lengthening the cycle by 50%.

I think the crucial point of any cycle, is the PCT. I lost about 5lbs of gains on my first cycle (agreed some water weight and fat) but the point is - some muscle was lost.

I'm open to any advice/criticism on the above cycle, particularly on the HcG side of things.
I've done my research but I want to make sure I am doing my PCT better this time.
I know no PCT will restore hormonal balance perfectly, but there are some methods that would achieve at least 65-75% perfection.

So...what are your thoughts???

My first cycle:
Weeks 1-8 300mg Test E
Weeks 1-4 20mg Dbol
Week 11 40mg Nolva
Week 12 30mg Nolva
Week 13 20mg Nolva

This was a sensible and conservative cycle from which I made amazing gains with absolutely no sides.

Stats (at end of Cycle):
Age: 24
Start weight: 170lbs @ 12% bf
Finish weight: 186lbs @ 13%bf
Post PCT weight: 181lbs @ 12% bf (could have been better)
Height: 6'0
Deadlift: 375lbs x 6
Squat: 265lbs x 5
Bench: 220lbs x 5 (needs work)
You make no mention of an AI such as arimidex? Also, you may want to add clomid to your PCT.
First cycle was very light and short... Think this will give you a better experience.
Your bench is fine, but your squats are what need work, IMHO.
Your going to want to figure out your nutrition program (most important part) if you want a successful run.
Thanks for the reply smittiot.

RE: AI, I intend to take Aromasin 12.5mg e3d on cycle (purely depending on sides of course). and Tapering down before starting PCT.
RE: Squats! Tell me about it - it comes down to my hip/hams flexbility - for which I have started regular hip opening exercises. I aim to get my squat up closer to my dead.
RE: Nutrition program, aiming 500-750 cals over maintenance, is this advisable? or more? I have a 40-40-20 macro split. Most of my carbs are from oats/rice/cereal's, Protein's from meats/eggs/milk an supplements here and there. Fats from nuts/omega/tuna (oily fish at least 4 times a week)

Is it worth taking HcG to bring nuts back on-line quicker? Anyone who comes across this