My Testosterone and well being after 8 weeks of TRT.


New member
Well its has been around 2 months since I started Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

My original stats were 240 ng/dl Total Testosterone. I felt weak, short of breath, had no sex drive, no erections, fatigued and moody, anti-social, and no interest or drive in life.

It has been around 2 months and I can say I am feeling better. I am on 50mg E3D (Doc thinks im on 200mg E2W).

My energy and mood is better, I feel like doing things. I met a wonderful woman and I feel the drive to hangout with her and have some sexual fun. The only problem is I still can't get erections. Well, I can, but they don't stay hard for long. Also in the middle of foreplay it may get hard, then go right back down for no reason. I don't understand, we have not had sex yet, but when we do I don't want to make her feel like she is not turning me on when it comes time.

She even offered to give me a blowjob after I performed things on her for a while, and I refused because I didn't want to be embarrassed because I cant rely on the fellah to have my back when I need it.

Its frustrating to say the least.

My doctor ordered labs after 6 weeks, and the results were as follows:

Testosterone, Total : 609 (300-890) ng/dl
Testosterone, % Free : 1.8 (1.6-2.9) %
Testosterone, Free : 111.8 (47.0-244.0) pg/dl
Sex Hormone Binding Globuline : 43 (13-71) nmol/L

I had asked him prior to the test to up the dosage as I was and still am experiencing side effects of low T. He told me we would do the test then talk about it, after the test he said my numbers looks fine and to keep with what I am on, but prior to the test he told me it is not about numbers its about how I feel.

I should not be having problems with erections, they should be annoying me to death everyday. I don't understand. My estrogen also feels in check although no test was done for it. I don't feel bloated or have gyno. I take 50mg of zinc daily. I'm not sure what I can do about this. Has anyone else had erection problems while on TRT? Are they common or should I be having them at all? Any suggestions? Also do you think I should stick with this doctor? Or try to find another that will listen to me?

The doctor I have now thinks I am doing 200mg E2W, which is insane to begin with. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks.
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Sounds like an estradiol or possibly Prolactin problem. Check both. See my signature below if you don't want to go through your doc for blood work.

Get those checked!!!

Taking 5mg of cialis daily is helpful too. You can get it at RUI. It also helps lower BP and many guys take it before going to the gym.
No my Doc didn't test E2. He probably wouldn't if I asked. Guess ill be buying one those kits. Thanks for opinions guys. I do hope it is high, so that I can fix this. Assuming my Doc will even prescribe me AI's.
No my Doc didn't test E2. He probably wouldn't if I asked. Guess ill be buying one those kits. Thanks for opinions guys. I do hope it is high, so that I can fix this. Assuming my Doc will even prescribe me AI's.

Don't buy a kit for getting a blood test. Just use one of the services I mentioned earlier.
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These labs were done 2 weeks after last shot (but before next shot)?
I'd run your own labs....simple as that.
If you are doing E3D shots. Take the lab 2 days from shot.
50 mg is a good starting dose. Good to see you are doing things right.
Start low and adjust if need be.
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