My third cycle


New member
As I am getting older and hopefully wiser I am getting myself educated more and more on the subject as I have had some pretty decent results in the past. I will say that I was and still am a novice at the gear game and I have found that my source is a bit lofty in price compared to the sales price at the lab but oh well. He is a good guy for sure. I am getting ready to go on a third run and I took his advice on this one. i am asking for feedback from you guys on the cycle. My stats. 40 yrs old, 6'2", 195lbs and in decent cardiovascular shape. I have been out of the gym for around two months with an irregular work schedule throughout, mostly yoga, the entire time. A little cardio when I had time. i just moved to another city so it took me sometime to settle in. I am ready now so here goes my cycle idea. I want to gain lean hard mass and not make the aromatizing mistakes so please kick in where you guys feel I am shy in knowledge or practice.

I will be taking 1 dose weekly of the following

250mg/ml Test Enanthenate - ZLINE
250mg/ml Bolendone - ZLINE
250mg/ml Sustanon - Steel Labs
125mg/ml Trenbolone - ZLINE

What do you guys think? I am a bit worried about water weight and fat on this push and was wondering about my cycle down and what I should do to level out and keep my cuts. I have enough of this cycle for at least 4 cycles.

Thanks for all your help and input.
Start Day - 6/27/11

Here we go. I am getting ready to start pinning tomorrow. I am starting with glutes and doubling up to kick start my system. I will post start pictures soon.

I have decided to add the following post cycle therapy (pct) for 30 days starting the beginning of the end of week 8 and ending the end of week 12.

Novladex 20 mg daily tablets
HCG 500iu weekly injections

Let me know what you guys think about my PCT. Thanks.
Workout Regimine

I want to crush my body back into performance shape and gain size and cuts so I am going with the 300 workout combined with 1 hour of yoga. 2 days on 1 day off for the next 12 weeks. Here is how the schedule looks:

Pullups - 25 reps
Deadlifts with 135 lbs - 50 reps
Pushups - 50 reps
24-inch box jumps - 50 reps
Floor wipers - 50 reps
Single-arm Clean-and-Press with 36 lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps
Pullups - 25 reps

No rest in between sets.
Pictures wil be posted along the way starting tomorrow with beginning day pics and measurements with weight.

For one if your taking one injection per week the mg you are trying to run on all of those is to low, I would either run test and tren at about 700 to 800mg per week and the samething with test and eq, wouldn't use the Sustanon (sust), to hard to keep blood an test levels even
Hcg is supposed to be used threw the whole cycle it's much more effective that way, and you don't start your pct till 3 weeks after your last shot, and I would use clomid instead of nolvadex if your gonna use tren as well
Thanks MBH

So a quick update. I have upped my dosages and I am seeing some good results. I have gained 12 pounds and my strength gains are great along with recovery time. I will post pictures soon. I am a bit fatty at the time of this update though. I am sure it is diet. My appetite is off the charts!