My Tren/Test/SuperDMZ log, *Advice needed*


New member
Hello all let me start by giving you my stats.

Age: 25
Weight: 208
BF: 14%
Lift experience: 5 years
Cycle experience: 1 cycle last year. Test prop 500mg/wk + Super dmz

I currently have on hand tren, test prop, and a bottle of super dmz.

I know this is just my 2nd cycle and tren is early for me to use but I'd like to give it a shot since I have it anyways.

test p : 1-12 weeks - 250mg/wk . 75mg EOD?
tren: 1-8 weeks- 400mg/wk . 50mg ED
super dmz: 8-12 weeks x 2 caps ed
Armidex: 12.5 ed

* Looking for dosage advice*

Clomid: 100/75/50/50
Nolva: 40/40/20/20
HCG: ( Not sure on dosage yet, need advice)
armidex: 12.5 ed

Im looking for all advice on anything especially if I should revise my super dmz usage, Not sure if I should front load it the first 4 weeks while on tren or move tren to a different time.

1)Would a caber be necessary? I can order it if need be.

2) is my dosage adequate for my recomp?

3) I plan on having my diet on point to bring my BF% down, is getting it from 14% to 10-9% possible during this cycle?

4) Should I forget about super dmz and do it for another cycle? Ive done super dmz and test last year and got blood work done few days after last day of pct. Lipids, blood levels etc were all normal.