My Winny Rocks!!!


New member

Finally got my PS80 in and followed Dougoe's recipe pretty much. Turned out golden. I have to say I only used 0.4ml of PS80, and I think that's too much... I'm going with 0.2ml next time and see how that treats me. The only difference with it this time (with 0.4ml PS80) is that it does foam a small amount. Hopefully that will be negated once I lower the amount of that.

The stuff looks exactly like milk and for some reason doesn't wanna separate (not that its a bad thing). Its only been sitting 12hrs though, so maybe it needs more time to settle... who knows, not like I care though.

Thanks for all the help thus far guys... now i'm gonna have to try making it in bigger batches!

NIce....just make sure shit works before ya get into bigger batches! dont end up doin the same damn thing you did with the cyp! LMAO
hahaha... fuck you! j/k

I totally hear you... I'll make a bunch of smaller batches and stuff and once it keeps coming out like milk, we'll move onto bigger and better. I love being the R&D guy! Its so much fun!!!

just 1-2 drops in 20ml is plenty. thats about .03-.06ml. you used about 10x more than you needed. sudsy aint it?
Yup.. definitely sudsy! I'll try tonite with only 0.05ml and see how that turns out. You can totally still use the one I made last night, but its nice to have products that replicate the zambons!
