Myoblast - Myostatin

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Anyone ever use Myoblast - Myostatin before and what were results?
Look for Myostatin to have a bit of a resurgence. There was recently a international article about a German baby that is lacking a gene that does not regulate myostatin in his system and thus makes him a super baby. See here:

I can’t comment on Myoblast but here is an excellent article with good references about myostatin:

It appears unlikely that anything you can buy currently will have a great effect on myostatin in humans. I wouldn’t believe the hype until you hear it from users of this product.
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I read the myostatin article in the new england journal of medicine. That baby was jacked!!!

the baby's DNA had a mutation in one of the nucleotide base pairings (i can't remember the location) that was causing the myostatin gene to not be expressed. The baby was experiencing uncontrolled muscle growth and as a by product supression of adipose tissue growth. It was also noted the baby was unusually strong.

It is a great article. The myostatin supplement you guys were talking about may be ineffective at blocking myostation gene expression, but it is the right idea. (Kinda like N02.........great idea and concept, but ineffective)

I train with an MD, and i'll give you the advice he gives me........."If a product like that truely worked, it would be distributed by a pharmaceutical company!"

If anyone knows of any supplements that have truely been shown to block myostatin expression please let me know. The article i read eludes to the fact that there are some agents available, but it does not give names.
the idea is real, but the product does nothing. Iv havent tried it but from everyone Iv heard comment they say its a joke, an expensive one at that.
that poor kid.. it may get out of hand and probably cause him helath issue sin the future.. but , he will be g=freakier than Ronnie coleman, probably while being on a shit diet! Im jealous.