natural ways to increase testosterone


New member
I'm talking about supplemeents but can you guys let this one stay here for few days. It's for post cycle therapy (pct) purposes

I know of avena sativa and tribulex. Any others that can help out some?
seeds and nuts are known to contain not only fats but incomplete proteins as well as all the hormones needed to sustain life. sesame seeds in particular are packed with nutrients, perhaps more than any other food on this planet. why do you think the old timers included so much fat in their diet?
Kube, fats are needed for hormone production but I dont see eating fat boosting anything neccessarily.
Mudge said:
Kube, fats are needed for hormone production but I dont see eating fat boosting anything neccessarily.

But not eating enough of the right fats can drop your test levels.
just eat a jar of peanut butter with every meal and your test will go out the roof.

this is a trade secrete that the "Pros" use.

(keep it on the hush)
jarni said:
I'm talking about supplemeents but can you guys let this one stay here for few days. It's for post cycle therapy (pct) purposes

I know of avena sativa and tribulex. Any others that can help out some?

These 2 compounds increase sex drive in some people. They have NEVER been shown (except by a few supplement company BS tests) to actually increase test. Increasing sex drive is different from raising test levels.

During post cycle therapy (pct) stick to the tried and true.

Grey areas: Clomid, novla, letro, armi, HCG

Legal: 6OXO Formadrol, Formastane

I know everybody wants to get their natty test back asap (don't we all?) but some of the more popular "test boosters" out there can actually be counterproductive to actual "recovery" from a cycle.
StoneColdNTO said:
You and your high fat diets need a reality check...............:40oz:


First off, I didn't say high fat. If you eat a diet that's all nut oils and stuff like that, it will mess up testosterone levels. You don't have to eat high fat to get enough of the right stuff to keep your hormone levels right. Each person needs their own amount...whether high or low, you need to have saturated fat in there to keep things working properly.
OneLastRep said:
just eat a jar of peanut butter with every meal and your test will go out the roof.

this is a trade secrete that the "Pros" use.

(keep it on the hush)

huskyguy said:
exercises such as heavy squats and deadlifts will naturally raise your testosterone.

How heavy are you talking? or are we talking about an individuals' scale of what they consider heavy in the 1-5 rep range ?
I say limiting sugar in ur diet, stress can also be a factor, stress hormone cortisol since it actually blocks the effects of testosterone, also zink can help, but when it all fails we have juice :D