need a diet to put on 15lbs. in 10wks. for comp

mass rookie

New member
I need a diet to put on 15lbs. in 10 wks. to weigh in at middle weight boxing comp with the help of AS cycle test500mg eq400mg weekly ! middle weight boxing match currently 173lbs. need to get to 190lbs. help! :( thanks, rook.
With all the questions you've asked shouldn't you know this already??? Not to mention do you ever plan on coming off??? Seem's like you've been on for a long time.
I hope you didn't already start Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) without knowing how to diet first. That would be extremely stupid unless you are already consuming 3000-4000 of healthy cals a day.

Do you know what post cycle therapy (pct) is?
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yes I do but my diet doesnt seem to be putting on any more lbs I just feel full and strong as hell and not to mention very defined, but no overall mass yet. so wanted to know if anyone experinced in bulking could make a meal plan for bulking cause my current one isnt doing it !
dirk Im not on as long as you think just cause Im asking Q doesnt mean im on.
what ?

No disrespect Mass but how the hell can you expect to build stamina
for a boxing match while on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and trying to bulk. When I used test it took away most of my stamina because I was bulking and had to back off on cardio to put on size. Being in shape and being in boxing shape are very different things. Also, Middle weight is 160 lbs, light heavy is 175 lbs
and cruiser weight is 190 lbs. Dude, if you step over that then you'll be a heavy!
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