Need a tad help deciding on Tren A


New member
View attachment 552034Hey, Im a newbie here and was wanting to know if this would be OK to do ..

Age 25

I have done 3 cycles before this one (I know I started way too early).
1st: Dbol 25mg 1-4wk, Test E 500mg 1-12wk
2nd:Test 600mg 1-14wk, Deca 400 2-10wk
3rd: Test 500mg 1-12wk, Superdrol 1-4wk

This is my fourth one so far, I am currently on my 5th week and my cycle is this
Aromasin 12.5mg 2x a week, 30mg SD 1-3wk Test pro 300mg EOD 1-4wk and Test Cyp 1-14wk.

Heres the thing, I wanted to run Ace at 75-100mg EOD for 6 weeks (so weeks 6-12) then drop the test down to 200mg/ week and then after the Tren is done up it back up to 500 for the last two weeks and then start PCT 18 days after.
Is starting up Tren half way through the cycle a bad idea? I feel as if I am ready for the sides, have Prami on hand also just in case. I am just a tad nervous about running it.

Three pics attached to get a clue of my body, these were about 2 weeks into it. *Ab pic was after a cheat day, so bare with me..maybe not 11-12% haha.
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i don't think its a bad idea to run tren in the middle. i am also planning on a sustanon-tren cycle and im going to start first month with sustanon and dbol then add tren after one month.
test and tren is a common cycle from what i've been reading. btw I am getting caber for my cycle should i run it from the moment i start using the tren? or only if i get sides?
i don't think its a bad idea to run tren in the middle. i am also planning on a sustanon-tren cycle and im going to start first month with sustanon and dbol then add tren after one month.
test and tren is a common cycle from what i've been reading. btw I am getting caber for my cycle should i run it from the moment i start using the tren? or only if i get sides?

Id always have it on hand, but I personally am not going to run it unless I see any prolactin sides. I have ran deca and never experienced any sides that were too bad, a little ED but nothing else.
View attachment 552034Hey, Im a newbie here and was wanting to know if this would be OK to do ..

Age 25

I have done 3 cycles before this one (I know I started way too early).
1st: Dbol 25mg 1-4wk, Test E 500mg 1-12wk
2nd:Test 600mg 1-14wk, Deca 400 2-10wk
3rd: Test 500mg 1-12wk, Superdrol 1-4wk

This is my fourth one so far, I am currently on my 5th week and my cycle is this
Aromasin 12.5mg 2x a week, 30mg SD 1-3wk Test pro 300mg EOD 1-4wk and Test Cyp 1-14wk.

Heres the thing, I wanted to run Ace at 75-100mg EOD for 6 weeks (so weeks 6-12) then drop the test down to 200mg/ week and then after the Tren is done up it back up to 500 for the last two weeks and then start PCT 18 days after.
Is starting up Tren half way through the cycle a bad idea? I feel as if I am ready for the sides, have Prami on hand also just in case. I am just a tad nervous about running it.

Three pics attached to get a clue of my body, these were about 2 weeks into it. *Ab pic was after a cheat day, so bare with me..maybe not 11-12% haha.

Wow, 12.5mg of Aromasin 2x/wk is keeping your E2 in check?? Is this Aromatase inhibitor (AI) protocol determined through bloodwork? Or prior exp? Or..?

Regardless, run your Tren A 100mg EOD last 6 wks of your intended cycle. (wk 8-14)

But dont increase your Test for two wks, thats just a waste of time and money - especially with a long estered compound like Cypionate. Finish everything together on time.

Whats your PCT look like? (spider senses are tingling)
Wow, 12.5mg of Aromasin 2x/wk is keeping your E2 in check?? Is this Aromatase inhibitor (AI) protocol determined through bloodwork? Or prior exp? Or..?

Regardless, run your Tren A 100mg EOD last 6 wks of your intended cycle. (wk 8-14)

But dont increase your Test for two wks, thats just a waste of time and money - especially with a long estered compound like Cypionate. Finish everything together on time.

Whats your PCT look like? (spider senses are tingling)

The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) protocol has just seemed to work for me during past experiences.
PCT as follows:

Day 18-39 HCG 1,500iu Mon/Wed/Fri , Clomid 100mg ED, Nolva 20mg ED
Day 39-60 Clomid 50mg ED and Nolva 20mg ED

(Day 18 just means 18 days after my last cyp pin)