Need advice concidering my first cycle of prohormones


New member
Hey guys i have been lifting for a few years, ive been making great gains since ive started slow b ut hard work. however one of my freinds who has been doing the same things just took a PH (super dmz) with proper pct. and sall great results. he is 19. we are both smart about the sport of bodybuilding and learned a lot over the past couple years. i do feel like i have an edge over others my age when comparing size and strengh, i am teenager,16 (almsot positive i am done growing height wise, and hit puberty hard when i was in 8th grade). Im not trying to be cocky at any of this, i kno there are many of u that kno much more then i do. I am also not a skinny bitch who wants to gain a lil muscle real fast and loss it all because i stop lifitng. but i am dedicated and willing to make the next step to gain even more size with a little help from a sutable PH. with all that said, what would be ideal for me is to take a prohormone that takin properly and repected with the right pct would ultumatly not upset or destory my natural hormones like many steriods and strong Ph like tren. I am not very knowledgable about PH and need to be guided in the right direction to find a sutable PH for my senario.

Thankyou for checkin this out, i understand if you bring negative thoughts also.
Not trying to be a dick but you are way too young to be taking ph. No one on here is gonna tell you its a good idea to give them a try. Take advantage of your metabolism and high test levels while you are young and eat big and lift heavy. You could do some serious long lasting damage to yourself messing with this kind of stuff at only 16, please reconsider.
Hell if anything, take Jack3d, its how I got super ripped before, and it won't mess up hormones at your age[/Q]

ill consider giving jacked a try. i also lost 10lbs from having mono the past two weeks and was wondering is you kno any mass gainers that also worked for you?
Depending on where you are, if your in Canada, I would suggest picking up a 17lb (lasts the whole month) bag of Mutant Mass with shakes split in half morning>night, its what I use, and its incredibly effective. If your in the US (most likely) or other places, my next best guess would be Serious Mass, its the next best thing to what I use (if you order off Body building dot com you can get a pretty decent deal, where I went before I discovered Popeyes).

If I was going to buy some, I would buy the one that had a very high calorie/carbohydrate count, as well as at least 14 servings (can be split in half), and taste is the big thing, you need to find one that tastes good, I tried tons of crappy gainers and if they taste bad, they literally suck to drink everyday. If money isn't a problem there are some really good ones out there
I've tried a bunch of the gainers. About to order Real Gains by universal (nom nom cookies n cream.) Stuff is good and seen gains off it when i first started working out almost a year ago.

I'm about to finish a 5lb bag of gainer from prescription nutrition literally tonight, one more delicious straw/banana(now this stuff is really good) Just really expensive but from my understanding they tell you everything that's it compared to the slang terms of other companies. As far as a gainer i didn't really use it like one so i cant really say for its effectiveness. is where some directed me to get it.
IMHO ......... Too young to mess with ph bro ! At your age you should be able to eat like a bull and train hard and heavy and get great gains ! Reach your natural limits before taking any PHs ...........