Need advice first cycle Test E + Winstrol


New member
Hello guys,

After 7 years of training i want to bring some change. I'm 26, weight 187lb, 5ft 10.

Did a lot of research and i am planning to start my first steroid cycle soon.
For my first cycle i decided to go for Test E + Winstrol.
Tell me what you guys think, did i forgot something ?? Does it look ok ?? Please give me as much advice as possible.

My cycle looks like this atm.

* Week 1-12

- Test Enanthate 250mg every 4 days
- HCG 250ius every 4 days (2 last HCG at 1500ius)
- Aromasin 10mg ed

*Week 7-12

-Winstrol 50mg eod

* Week 13-15

-HCG 1500 ius 2X every 4 days
- Aromasin 10mg ed

* Week 16-21

- Nolvadex 20mg ed (40mg 7 first days)
- Clomid 50mg ed (75mg 7 first days)
- LJ100 400mg ed
- Tribulus Sopharma 1g ed

That's it. What do you guys think ?? Does it look ok or did i forgot something ??
Thanks in advance everybody.

I see no problems other than aromasin after you stop your cycle weeks 13-15. Careful with your e2 level. the down side of aromasin is short HL. With adex could taper off. By week 15 or half way through week 14, you will not need and ai.

We suggest using test only on your fisst run, but with 7 years of training and if your bf% is below 10% you can benifit from the winstrol.