Need advice for first cycle!!


New member
Stats: Age:29
Bodyweight: 187
Bf percent: 9
Height: 5 '11

Been doing a lot of research looking around not posting much at but i feel that I am ready for my first cycle.

Dianabol: Weeks 1-4 30mgs/day
Test Enanthate: Weeks 1-10 500mg/week
Anastrozole: Weeks 1-10 .5mg/ eod

PCT: Clomid 100/100/50/50

Let me know your thoughts!
And my goal is to stack on the mass!!
I would start at .25mg EOD for the adex. Then increase if labs indicated E2 is too high.

Add Nolva to your PCT.

Run pre, mid, and post cycle labs. Do you know what to run and where to get them?

Might help if you run your diet by the forum too.
10 weeks isnt long enough for a long ester. 12 weeks should be the minimum.
Run your adex 2 extra weeks after your last injection.
Also, I would do test only for your 1st cycle.
Don't forget to donate blood mid cycle.

pre mid and post... He's talking about blood work....
looks good! im starting something similar check out and reply to my log brotha!
cheers, will definitely follow yours when you start!
10 weeks isnt long enough for a long ester. 12 weeks should be the minimum.
Run your adex 2 extra weeks after your last injection.
Also, I would do test only for your 1st cycle.
Don't forget to donate blood mid cycle.

pre mid and post... He's talking about blood work....

donate blood ?