New member
I just spent 3 hours searching and reading and I *think* I've I got most of it figured out.
- 24
- 6'
- 220lbs
- 33" waist
- roughly 20% BF, mostly sitting on my gut
- Quick gainer/loser
- I've got a good frame
- In a word, shit.
- I don't eat a lot of crap, but being a student, meals are few and far between.
- Just took up running 3 times/week, starting with 4km, 20% uphill
- I was heavy into sports when I was younger, so I'm not afraid to work.
- 10% BF
- Gain some mass on my arms, chest, back and obliques
- Get some proper eating habits
- I don't wanna be Ronnie Coleman huge, but I do want to fill out my frame and look proportioned.
I understand I've gotta hit a lot of cardio and build some muscle to lose the fat, which is why I'm planning on 3 days of running or swimming and then 3 days of heavy weights for mass. Hows that sound?
The problem I'm having is with diet. I can't find a whole lot of info for somone who isn't cutting or bulking. What carb/protein/fat intake do I need to drop some pounds and put on mass at the same time? Or am I missing somthing here?
Any help you guys can offer would be huge.
- 24
- 6'
- 220lbs
- 33" waist
- roughly 20% BF, mostly sitting on my gut
- Quick gainer/loser
- I've got a good frame
- In a word, shit.
- I don't eat a lot of crap, but being a student, meals are few and far between.
- Just took up running 3 times/week, starting with 4km, 20% uphill
- I was heavy into sports when I was younger, so I'm not afraid to work.
- 10% BF
- Gain some mass on my arms, chest, back and obliques
- Get some proper eating habits
- I don't wanna be Ronnie Coleman huge, but I do want to fill out my frame and look proportioned.
I understand I've gotta hit a lot of cardio and build some muscle to lose the fat, which is why I'm planning on 3 days of running or swimming and then 3 days of heavy weights for mass. Hows that sound?
The problem I'm having is with diet. I can't find a whole lot of info for somone who isn't cutting or bulking. What carb/protein/fat intake do I need to drop some pounds and put on mass at the same time? Or am I missing somthing here?
Any help you guys can offer would be huge.