need advice on 1st cycle


New member
hey fellas this is my 1st real cycle, Ive only done anavar once before. I just need some insight from some experienced members.

Sample Cycle:

Week 1 to 10 : Test e @ 250mg 2x/week
Week 1 to 6: Tbol @ 40mg ED

Week 13 - 14: OFF

Week 15 - 16: Clomid @ 50mg ED
Nolvadex @ 50mg ED

Week 17-18: Clomid @ 50mg ED
Nolvadex @ 20mg ED

Should I run a A.I while on the test? if so how much ?

Your right, this would be your first "real" cycle. However, if you did your research, you would have seen that the first cycle should be test only, and a big hell yes to the ai! Also it's always good to post your stats: age/height/weight/bf/diet/training history etc....

Sorry Capt, saw your post after the fact! :)