Need advice on a 2nd cycle


New member
Whats up guys? I appreciate the help you will be providing as i am alittle green in this field. I am 28 years old about 5'7 and weigh between 175-180lbs. about a year ago or so i was 216. P90X is a great workout and really does work. I'm looking to bulk up a little but formed and ripped and looking awesome is what i really want. I also start Boxing/Kickboxing/Muay Thai training at the end of the month so can i just fight on this cycle or do i Need to lift? I have:

Tren Acetate 2 bottles
Test Prop 2 bottles and Enanthate 1 bottle
Also 35 or so 50mg Anavar
I have liquid Clen as well but not sure if that i will fit in n if i even need it

Out of curiousity, what did your first cycle look like?

Have you ever pinned Test?

I have a buddy who did some amature MMA around our area and said he felt really tight around inject site for a few days afterwards. That joined with his loss of stamina, (not too much of a loss though) made him stop the cycle after maybe three weeks.

I had liquid clen and used it to cut weight to improve my swim/run times, but crampped like a mad man!!! I was taking taurine and potassium sups, with about 1.5-2 gal of fluids BEFORE our workday was even done. Not sure how you will respond, just sharing my results.
I'm running a similiar cycle right now only without the clens. I also train in MMA(Krav Maga,Jui Juitsu,Boxing) and found that MMA training is def sufficient enough for cutting if your training 2 hours/ 3 days a week while eating right. If your trying to put on some lean mass as well I suggest you lift w/ free weights the days your not MMA training leaving 1 off day for rest. You also need to be careful taking the clen while doing such intense cardio as MMA training cause the clen raises your heart rate and body temp so drink plenty of water. It may cause dangerous side effects(Arythmia,overheating,blackouts) depending on the individual but your the only one who can determine this.