need advice on current diet


New member
Currently 6'1 230lb 27 y/o and probably 22-25% bf. My goal is to retain as much of my muscle that I can and lose the bf. I try to do cardio but with being a firefighter and father to a 3 month old, finding time to workout is hard enough let alone doing cardio! I am a firefighter so sometimes its hard to eat when needed and suppose to at the station. Any help would be appreciated!

My current diet is:

Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal with soy milk, banana
3 egg white's, 2 whole eggs

Snack: Protein shake, with 1 tsp of peanut butter

Lunch: Turkey burger or chicken breast grill. With 1 cup of brown rice or half a sweet potato

Snack: Protein shack, with 1 tsp of peanut butter

Dinner: Salad or broc with some form of meat, steak/chicken/turkey burger
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Get real will ya! All you guys do is eat, workout, and

But seriously, do the calculations and determine your TDEE and go from there. Adjusts you calories and split your macros 40/40/20 to start.

Once you determine your daily calories, find/develop a diet that suits your needs. Easy peasy bro.