So welcome OP : wavey:
Ok to begin since this is your first cycle you are off the a bad start. Listen no offense we all started at some beginning mine was just close to 40 years ago.
To get to it you need to start educating yourself. Seems you need to read our sticky threads. They are teaching threads marked as such " sticky" found where you came in to post your thread.
You do not have the experience to warrant the use of Tren.... Stop and regroup what your doing here.
OP , myself and my buddies here promote education in cycling as safe as possible
also to help if we can to guide you for a good educated and successful cycles.
We need stats, with some history if your training and we / others can help ur diet.
I suggest you get a dialogue going with someone ,here. What is your goal for end game, and short time for this cycle. Again stay with us, read n get back w Q's