Need advise on first cycle


Work Hard-Play Hard
Hello everyone,

Just a little bit info about myself, I've been working out for past 8 yrs and I'm at 212 -6ft @ 15% bf. My doctor prescribed me Test C 200mg weekly, because I have low test level, but I have never done any type of cycle before. I'm thinking about taking Test E for my first cycle and things Ill be taking along....Milk Thistles, Kidney Cleansers, Probiotic Liquid type, Potassium Gluconate.

my question is , Can I take Test C and Test E together? or do I have to stop taking Test C before taking Test E? What would happen if I take Test E along with Test C?

and my "source" ( trainer) said I don't need to take any PCT, unless we see any type of side effects like gyno or etc. But he said since Ill be just taking Test E, we don't do any PCT except for Milk Thistles, Kidney Clensers etc

Please advise

Thank you in advance.
How long have you been on TRT? Are you dialed in yet?

Test E and C are essentially the same. They can be interchanged.

You will need to run an Aromatase Inhibitor to keep your estradiol under control, just as one must on TRT at higher doses like yours (usually).

You would never have to run PCT. You are already hypogonadal. What natty T are you trying to recover? You just go back on TRT when you are done.

What are you planning for your cycle? Doses? Frequency? Length of time?
Test e and test c are almost the same, so they are interchangeable. You probably won't need to do a pct because after you are done with your cycle (blast) you will I'm assuming just drop back into your regularly prescribed trt dose (cruise). How long have you been on trt? Is your TRT dialed in? You will definitely benefit from having that all dialed in properly before adding in extra amounts of test. Do you currently take an AI like arimidex or aromasin? You definitely will want to have one or the other on hand. I'm on TRT and my doc has a low dose of Adex prescribed. These are going to help keep estrogen in check. Your body is going to aromatize some of that test into est. you would rather not have tits I would imagine. A reccomended first cycle would be test e at 500 mg per week split into two weekly shots. I am currently running my first cycle and this is what I'm running. I run Adex at .5 mg EveryOtherDay. I would suggest doing A LOT of reading before you start. There is tons of info here that's available to you, and there are many experienced guys here that will be willing to help, if you do things the right way. Good luck and welcome to 'ology.
Wow I really didn't mean to repeat everything that megaton said, honestly didn't see his response earlier. Could of saved myself a lot of typing by just saying "yeah what he said"
I have been on Test C for past 3 weeks, so I had three shots so far. What do you mean dialed in ? I haven't felt anything yet
I have been on Test C for past 3 weeks, so I had three shots so far. What do you mean dialed in ? I haven't felt anything yet

Finding the right "equilibrium" on TRT takes time. You have to find the right testosterone, AI and HCG doses that get everything lined up in the right place. You want your TT in the normal range. You want your E2 to be managed. You want to feel better. Your doc needs to be happy. You have to find the right injection frequency that works for you.

It takes some time to get it all figured out. It isn't just about pinning some test and calling it a day. You should not consider a cycle until you get your TRT dialed in. After three weeks you are no where near dialed in. You most likely have not even had your first blood test yet. Get dialed in and then we can help you figure out a cycle.

If you need help getting dialed in put a post up in the TRT section of this forum.
Thanks Megatron, I have had two blood tests, but I haven't had any after my 3 shots. But I will post a thread in TRT section to better understand and educate myself with "dialed in " stuff. Thanks again.