Need answer... 2nd cycle & test booster


New member
(Just had my BF% measured at 11%)

I have 29 yrs of training experience. My first cycle was the usual "Test only first cycle" in 2011. I started that at 195 & finished at 214. I'm planning on doing my first show at the end of this year. I thought about running Dbol/Test/Deca cycle but decided on this for my 2nd.

My next cycle:
Week 1-5: 30 mg Dbol kickstart
Week 1-12: Testosterone Enanthate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday morn, 250 mg on Thursday evening )
Week 1-14: HCG 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection...stopping 3 days before PCT)
Week 1-14: Aromasin 12.5mg ed
Week 15-19: Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

My questions are...
1. I'm taking 2TX Test booster from Max muscle now. When should I stop taking this in relationship to my cycle?

2. I've read conflicting information about taking Liver supps with D Bol. Some say No ... Some say yes. Should I or shouldn't I?

3. This is the first time I've ever run Dbol, is 30 mg a day enough? I seen some say 50mg for 6 weeks. Is there a rule a thumb for this?

Thank you in advance !
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A few thoughts.

Don't use Aromasin once PCT starts.

Test boosters don't do anything. Waste of money. Regardless, there is no way they can overcome HPTA shutdown caused by a cycle. Do not use it during your cycle.

Don't blast 1000iu of hCG every day the last two weeks before your cycle. Just stick to the 250iu twice a week. You will be over doing it which can be harmful to your testicles and "burn them out".

For your liver, run NAC during your cycle. It is over the counter

What are you doing for blood work?
Ok Mega fixed a few things in my plan. Let me know what you think.

Maybe it's just me, I notice a difference when I'm taking 2TX & when Im not. The main thing I wanted to know with this is... Should I stop 2TX as soon I start my cycle or continue for 3-4 wks while I'm waiting for my Test to kick in?

With NAC do you take that from Day 1 of your cycle? Keep taking it all the way through PCT?

Getting my blood work done 3 times (1wk before/6 wks in/ 6wk after finish PCT.)
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NAC is a supplement for liver health. It can be taken 365 days a year, it has no effect on your cycle at all. Dbol is liver toxic so you need to keep it healthy. Personally I'd take it day 1 till end of cycle.

That 2tx stuff your talking about is garbage like Mega said. It doesn't matter if you take it the whole time on cycle or not. There is no such thing as a natural test booster.
Ok Mega fixed a few things in my plan. Let me know what you think.

Maybe it's just me, I notice a difference when I'm taking 2TX & when Im not. The main thing I wanted to know with this is... Should I stop 2TX as soon I start my cycle or continue for 3-4 wks while I'm waiting for my Test to kick in?

With NAC do you take that from Day 1 of your cycle? Keep taking it all the way through PCT?

Getting my blood work done 3 times (1wk before/6 wks in/ 1wk after finish PCT.)

Looks good now. Looks like you had a pretty good start on your homework.

You can use the "test booster" but it will not do anything for your. You Natty T will be shut down after the first injection or two. And as said, it doesn't do anything when you are 100% natty unless it has clomid in it.

And I agree. Run NAC starting Day 1 until PCT is over. Even beyond is good if you AST and ALT are elevated in your blood work. Read the Ology FAQs thread. There is a link in there on how much NAC to use.
My rule of thumb for NAC....

Off cycle - 600mg daily
On cycle - 1200mg daily
On cycle (with orals) - 1800mg daily

Hope this helps...

PS: I agree with the above... Test boosters = money down the drain.

Oh, and regards to D'bol dosage... start at 30mg as planned, you can always add 10mg each week you're on.

I find with D'bol, purity can be vary!

You've done your homework - good post, and GOOD LUCK! :yesway:
My rule of thumb for NAC....

Off cycle - 600mg daily
On cycle - 1200mg daily
On cycle (with orals) - 1800mg daily

Hope this helps...

PS: I agree with the above... Test boosters = money down the drain.

Oh, and regards to D'bol dosage... start at 30mg as planned, you can always add 10mg each week you're on.

I find with D'bol, purity can be vary!

You've done your homework - good post, and GOOD LUCK! :yesway:

Agreed. Only thing I see is that your post PCT blood work needs to be 6 weeks not 1. Need to give everything time to clear out
based on your stats and bf you put up i can assum you have your nutrition down correctly.. tron gave you great advice.. good luck!!
Thank you to all that responded !! A little guidance can go a loooong way. I'm not one to cut corners, so making sure everything is correct is of the utmost importance. Yes 3J, my nutrition is "SPOT ON" lol as they all say. It really is though... I don't miss meals (& it's all whole foods)... Don't miss workouts... Don't ever get off of my supplement schedule... Sleep exactly how a champion bodybuilder should. I've been 29 years in the making. If I had a nickel for everytime I've been accused of using gear, I'd be a rich man lol. I've built my foundation the good OL fashion way. Hard training, A lot of food, day in day out, rest & recovery. The only thing left to do is... Go become a champion !! Thanks again Ology !!!