Need answer asap


New member
About to go on my first cycle of sus 250. cycling for 12 weeks at 500mg a week injecting twice a week. BUT i have to leave for a week and a half for work so i can't take steroids on the plane obviously. If i was to start the cycle i would be leaving on my 6th week of the cycle and also wouldn't be able to stick to the diet but i should be ab le to get to a gym.

just wondering if it will matter or not or if will harm me in anyway (safety first) really need to do a cycle before november. thank you
You can get some injectable B12 and empty the vial and put some damn test in there, people mix b12 with test to make less PIP. Or you can pick up a vial of test under and inject that shit, its only needed once a week cause its such a long ester. I use it if i have to leave country or something.
what if i injected once a week at 500mg, is that an option? because i have the sus here already and the appropriate pct's and what not, don't really want to spend or order anything more if you know what i mean.
It really wont hurt ya brother, just double up on dose before you leave, then get back on schedule when you return.
Your not being a PAIN, Questions = Knowledge. Take a 500mg shot before you leave. Or mail that shit if you got a place to before you travel.
Thank you so much, been a great help. i was just wondering another thing? with the appropriate diet and training and such, would you see any decent results while doing a cycle of 250mg of Sustanon (sust) a week for 10 weeks? (if so do you still need a PCT; was thing something like nolvadex maybe chlomid)
Thank you so much, been a great help. i was just wondering another thing? with the appropriate diet and training and such, would you see any decent results while doing a cycle of 250mg of Sustanon (sust) a week for 10 weeks? (if so do you still need a PCT; was thing something like nolvadex maybe chlomid)

If your not sure i would hold off on cycling and do the proper research. But the norm first cycle is test only @ 500mgs a week. 250 is more like a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose. Wont really see huge or good gains. And i use Clomid for my post cycle therapy (pct). Do some research brother.
yeah thanks, ill research and most likely do 500mg, or ill just hold it off like you said and hit a hard bulk haha