Need EPHEDRA?? Found it!!...

Judge Rules Against FDA Ban on Ephedra
Product More Food Than Drug, She Says

By Mark Thiessen
Associated Press
Friday, April 15, 2005; Page E05

SALT LAKE CITY, April 14 -- A federal judge Thursday struck down the FDA ban on supplements containing ephedra, the once-popular weight-loss aid that was yanked from the market one year ago after it was linked to dozens of deaths.

The judge ruled in favor of a Utah supplement company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban. Nutraceutical International Corp. claimed that ephedra has been safely consumed for hundreds of years
Industry groups said supplements that included ephedra were once used by 12 million people. Last year's ban of ephedra was the first such outlawing of a dietary supplement.

Research shows that ephedra -- an amphetamine-like herb -- can speed heart rate and constrict blood vessels even in seemingly healthy people but that it is particularly risky for those with heart disease or high blood pressure or who engage in strenuous exercise. Among the deaths linked to the substance was that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler, who collapsed and died during spring training two years ago.
The judge's decision was seen by some anti-ephedra advocates as falling short of an outright reversal of the ban, though a Nutraceutical lawyer declared flatly, "The ban is gone." The company said it is too soon to say whether it will put the product back on shelves.

The FDA was evaluating the ruling, but Health and Human Services Department spokesman William Pierce said the agency "made the right decision from the standpoint of science and our statutory authority." He added, "This is exactly when the dietary supplement law should apply."

Health officials and Justice Department lawyers are examining the ruling to determine the next step, Pierce said.

U.S. District Judge Tena Campbell agreed with Nutraceutical that ephedra was wrongly being regulated by the FDA as a drug and not a food. She said a 1994 federal dietary supplement law places more restrictive rules on the FDA in determining whether to ban foods as opposed to drugs.

The judge said the law requires the FDA to prove that a dietary supplement is harmful, rather than requiring the manufacturer to prove it is safe, as is required with drugs.

"The [FDA's] statement that a safe level cannot be determined is simply not sufficient to meet the government's burden," Campbell wrote.

Her order prevents the FDA from stopping Nutraceutical from selling its product and sends the case back to the FDA for a determination of what are safe and dangerous levels of ephedrine, ephedra's active ingredient.

Nutraceutical President Bruce R. Hough said the lawsuit had little to do with ephedra and more to do with forcing the FDA to follow the rules Congress set down for it.

"This is a great affirmation for the system, that the court goes back and says, 'This is Congress's intent,' " he said.

Ephedra opponents said the language in the order applies to only a specific, lower-dosage segment of the market. The ruling's final page prohibits the FDA from enforcing the ban on Nutraceutical's supplements containing 10 milligrams or less of ephedra.

Ten milligrams per day was the dosage of Nutraceutical's products.

"No one -- not the FDA, the supplement industry, nor the public -- has been satisfied by how ephedra has been regulated," said Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), who helped write the 1994 law that also deregulated the supplement industry. "Millions of people have used the product with satisfaction, but there is no doubt the product has had some serious problems," he said.

Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), a frequent ephedra critic who worked for the ban, said the ruling underlined the need for "a mandatory and uniform system of reporting adverse health events that result from use of certain dietary supplements."
The alkaloids ephedrine and pseudo-ephedrine were isolated by Nagai (1) and Merck (2), respectively, from Ephedra vulgaris. The Chinese drug Ma-huang, variously identified as Ephedra vulgaris, Rich. Anavar (var). helvetica, Hk. et Thoms.(3), Ephedra equisetina, Bge.(4), has been recently studied by K. K. Chen and Carl F. Schmidt (5,6). From this they isolated the alkaloid ephedrine and conducted various physiological experiments. They gave the following physical constants for ephedrine and its salts:

Ephedrine - mp 210°C.
Ephedrine HCl - mp 214°C, [α]D25 -35°.
Ephedrine H2SO4 - mp 242°C.

It has been found that the basic substance isolated from Ma-huang, contains about 20% of pseudo-ephedrine as well as ephedrine, the former being identical in all respects with that obtained by the action of HCl upon ephedrine

What's that about Epehdrine HCL not being thermogenic?
i just want a good place for good ephedra is there such thing now that the ban is lifted for the time being? sorry for being such a noob. But you wont know unless you ask.
batman21 said:
i just want a good place for good ephedra is there such thing now that the ban is lifted for the time being? sorry for being such a noob. But you wont know unless you ask.

same here
g0dsp33d said:
ephederine HCL doesn't effect your body the same way Ma Haung does. You don't get the jitters/synergy/ etc. effects.

Ephedrine HCL helps you breath better. Not a fat loss supplement. Many doctors use it for minor asthma.

I noticed this as well and highly agree with you. If you ask me, the other plant alkaloids made a HUGH difference and ephedrine HCL by it self is CRAP.
Ephedrine has not been approved by the FDA as a Fat-Loss "Drug".
(That's why the bottle says it's to help U Breath Better)
HCL is an abbreviation for Hydro Chloride. It is a purified form of Ma Huang. You Probably Don't get the same effects because you are taking a much lower dosage then you would have been if you were taking a "supplement".

The only discernable differences chemically in the products for sale OTC at Truck Stops, Etc. is the addition of an expectorant found in cough syrups & the abscence of Psuedo-phedrine.
goddamnit i'm so confused

is vasopro any good? why is it so cheap? ephedrine is legal but is it any good?

ephedra is illegal ? can i still get it some how?

aaaaaahhhhhh straight asnwer from someone who knows pleeeeeeease
ephedrine-hcl has never been banned and it is just as good as ephedrine. ephedrine is avabilable again, but it is more expensive and not worth the additional cost.
mranak said:
ephedrine-hcl has never been banned and it is just as good as ephedrine. ephedrine is avabilable again, but it is more expensive and not worth the additional cost.

why is one that much more expensive than the other?