Need guidance on my first cycle and current situation


New member

first of all I've been on TRT for 6 months, 100mg of Cypionate a week split in two doses. The first few months everything improved from energy to better erections, but the last few months I've noticed I don't have as much of that great feeling anymore. Is it okay to increase my dose to 150mg/200mg a week?

At present my goal is to cut down to 10 to 12% bodyfat. I'm 25, 5'10 and 80kg. Once I achieve 10 to 12% bodyfat my aim is to then start a bulk along with using steroids to add some much needed muscle. I realise that even at 10 to 12% bodyfat I'm going to look shit but I heard that it's better to start lean and then build from there, is this correct? Is my plan okay?

So my goal is to increase TRT dose to 200mg per week, cut down to 10 to 12% bodyfat then at some point for 12 weeks increase dosage to 500mg per week, then drop back down to my normal dose of 200mg a week. Will this work?

Forgive me if I come across as a complete idiot but I've googled a lot and found a lot of conflicting information so I figured it would be best to ask you guys if my plan is okay and if it isn't, feel free to advise me on some changes I should make.
Have you done blood work ? How does it look ? Got E2 values ?

If you're on doc prescribed trt I dont see any problems with your proposed plan. Just dont fuck up your regular appointments.. Will you run UGL for the blast ? You'll also need an AI during those 2 weeks.
Are you also running HCG already ?

Don't forget diet bro, you can still build and cut bodyfat, with or without steroids.