Need Help Building a cycle.


New member
Sup y'all.

Age: 34

Height: 5'9

Weight: 165

BF: 15%

Here is the deal. I have been working out for 10 yrs and been doing crossfit for a year. Love both.
I want to put some weight on, but at the same time get ripped. Im in shape now, but could cut some body fat. I did a cycle of DBol in college and gained like 20 pounds and kind of looked bloated.
I have a friend that can get me whatever. So i started a cycle of Super Test 300 and anavar. I am taking 600ml of Test and 60mg of anavar a week. I just want to make sure this will help me get the look i want. I want to put some mass on my chest.

Here is the kicker. I am a working comedian and cant get too big. I just want to put on some muscle and get cut. I also dont want any real side effects. No acne/hair loss.
Am i doing this right?
Thanks man. Yeah 60 mg of var a day. too much, too little? How long can i stay on it? I was thinking of getting off the var and doing 2 weeks of anadrol to put some mass on, then going back on the var.
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Your goals are very much achievable without AAS and the only safe way to minimize side effects from AAS is to not use them.

I think your money would be better spent investing in a nutritionist to help you with your diet. Also, maybe get some advice on your training routine.

Hit up 3J here for solid dieting advice.
60mg is a reasonable but somewhat high var dosage - "strength" dosage in my books. It's a weird drug, tbh - very mild but works great for a few applications; in your case I would think 25-40mg ED would be more appropriate.

That's quite a bit of test, not too much but if you eat a surplus you'll definitely add muscle depending on your workout routine. (I don't trust the cult of crossfit btw)

Good luck with your cycle, I hope you have an AI available in case you need it, mid-cycle bloodwork planned to verify test and E2 levels and some kind of appropriate PCT since you didn't mention any of these.
Thanks for the help guys. A few things....and dont make fun of me because I'm new to this.

1. What is an AI?

2. What is an AAS?

3. What is ED?

Told you im new to this.

As for a PCT, I can get whatever i need. Not sure what would work best, so any recomendations would be appreciated.

AS for diet, Im eating as clean and as much as possible.

Breakfast - 5 eggs, spinach and bowl of oatmeal.

Post workout - Protein Shake

Lunch - 2 Chicken breasts, some carbs some veggies

Snack - Heavy Protein, ususally Tuna or more chicken.

Dinner - Large Steak or more chicken, Veggies

Im eating about 200 grams of protein a day. To the point I cant eat anymore.....

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Your diet, specifically the calorie intake should reflect your goals for the cycle. AAS just helps you recover faster, and speeds things up. If you don't want to add much weight, you should stick close to your maintenance amount including the calories burned for working out etc.

Follow the standard PCT from the sticky, decide which AI you are going with and get all those drugs immediately IMO. You don't want your source leaving town or being unreachable while your nuts are shut down or you're growing bitch tits.
HAHA. I have 2 guys that are reliable as BALCO. Sorry for the weird Barry Bonds reference. What about taking 3 weeks of anadrol w/ the test. Then at the end of the cycle take the anavar?