need help for a cycle question


New member
hi everybody. im max im 27. im actually in a 10 week cycle -- testP 400 mg/week and masterP 400mg/week + 50 mg winstrol for the last 6 weeks of the cycle.
i did blood analysis on the week 3 for checking how its going. resuslts look like this:

estradiol 136,96 pg/ml in a range of 0-39
prolactin 26 ng/ml in a range of 2-8
testosterone 39 in a range of 2-8
free test 980 in a range of 27-69

my question is: is my masteron fake? can it be? because my e2 is too high for 400 mg test week. but in the other hand how can my free test be this high if masteron is fake? i didnt start winstrol so....
btw i started aromasin at 12.5 mg EoD. I dont have any nipple problem
Holy fuck, are those real numbers? You'd better get some AI amigo.

Any idea why the prolactin is so high?
Mast is not an ai and does not lower e2. You need to use an ai...

Mast is commonly confused as having "ai effects" but the reality of it is that mast doesn't convert to estrogen.