need help for more/better gains


New member
i know this should probably be in the "cycle forum" but more exposure here. currently running 600mg of cyp a week. been on this for about 12 weeks. second cycle and i am up 10lbs from the first cycle where i gained 20lbs. i do 20 to 30min of cardio 5 days a week when i hit the weights and i use .25 ldex ED to keep the bloat down. Last cycle i bloated up pretty bad.

my question is do i continue cyp only cycle for my next run or should i stack it with something? maybe i should just up the dose?? maybe up the length? anavar and winstrol seem pretty expensive since i use Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for my supply. what about deca? I use cyp because it is the cheapest i can get my hands on. test suspension is about double the cost and im not sure it is any better or worse.

you guys are great thanks to you my body has made drastic improvements. i have lifted for 10 years and i am 30 years old. currently im at 240 with about 14 percent B/F.

thanks again!!
Well, you can certainly continue to do test only cycles, it's up to you. You will more than likely have to up the dosage to continue getting decent results out of your cycles.

Deca is always a possibility, but if you are taking test, you will be combatting gyno from 2 different angles. Whereas if you add in, say, eq at 400mg/week to your test, you will only be battling estrogen. And since eq doesn't aromatize very easily, it shouldn't add much at all to any sides you would be experiencing. Also, if you had a bad bloat, you will more than likely not like the bloat you would get from deca. As far as price goes, eq is also pretty reasonable.

And there is always dbol. Cheap, effective, and the pumps are unreal. If you are already adding in eq, no need to do more than 20-30mg/day for 4-6 weeks.

So there you have it, but remember these are just some ideas. Get some replies from others and then make your own decision what you want to do.