need help making second cycle


New member
Okay so on my first cycle i took sust250 deca and anadrol at 50mg for 2 weeks. I gained about 20 pounds but did not take my pct and lost it ALL within a few months. My crash was bad and for a while it was hard to get a hard erection. Also had some problems wirh hair loss. Now i want to do something less intense and maybe you guys can help me make a cycle, as the guy who was leading me on the first one was unreliable and a bit of an idiot( as was I for not researching on my own) SO can u guys walk me thru a proper yet safe cycle with pct and whn to do bloodwork. I am 5'10 150 pounds
It's all in that link bud. Sure you read through it? I can lead a horse to water but I can't make it drink...
I'm not very active on here but going to throw it out there... How old are you? I have a small frame myself but 5'10 and 150lbs seems too light to be taking steroids. You're not even close to your genetic potential. Also, how long have you been working out?

If I were you and I were dead set on cycling I would go get blood work done to see how/if you recovered from your first cycle. Don't just say 'I feel fine', get blood work. It's easy to do, inexpensive, and gives you valuable insight you can't get any other way.

Once your blood work comes back providing nothing sticks out as being alarming you can consider a cycle.

I would recommend test only so you can see how your body reacts to it. 500mg/week of Test-E would be a great cycle which should provide you some good gains that you can keep providing you follow proper PCT and keep eating lots when you're off cycle. Test-E takes a few weeks to kick in so if you really need that immediate gratification (you used anadrol first cycle) I would use tbol for four weeks as a kickstart. It's not nearly as liver toxic and does not bloat you like dbol would. Also, use an AI from day one. I use arimidex and like it. You can get it in liquid form so it's easy to measure. Everyone's dosing requirements are different but start at 0.5mg EOD and adjust as necessary.
Thanks for the reply. Im 21, and i was at 165 but my off cycle was so harsh i dropped a lot of weight and was so de motivated because of losing all my gains. Stopped working out for a year, now im getting back into it and just planning ahead to my next cycle
Lol i read it just wanted a summary for when to do what. Like which type of test so which one would be good n things like tht

A summary? Why do you need a summary from someone else if you read it? Doesn't make any sense to me... If you did read it, it says that its not recommended to start a cycle till atleast 25 years of age. I don't think you read it at all bud. Spoon feeding isn't a staple on this site...
Ohyabro i skimmed thru it. I just wanted a actual plan where someone could break down how much/which week and what to take in one place FOR A BEGINNER. Seen ppl do it for their cycles, If that bothers you, u dont gotta reply. Plus having a second opinion on that forum doesn't seen like a bad idea "bud"...
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I pretty much laid out my recommendations. Which test is irelevent. Test is test. All that's different is the ester which determines the active life and half life (i.e. how often youlll need to pin) as well as how much of the concentration is actually hormone as esters weigh different amounts.

250mgTest E pinned twice a week
60mg tbol/day for 4 weeks
0.5mg Adex EOD from day 1 up till PCT
Your total first cycle only lasted 2 weeks? or the anadrol was only for 2 weeks? did you run anything during your cycle? Sounds like you got deca dick from not controlling your sides. At 21 and 150 pounds you have no business running chemicals. ALSO your clearly not serious about weight trainign seeing as how you claim to have stopped working out for a year due to the lack of gains... your "back at it"... which means you've been lifting hard as fuck for how long exactly?
If you read the FAQs thoroughly you'll know you shouldn't run a cycle till 25 AND you need 1+ year of hard training under your belt. Anyone contemplating fucking up their HPTA for life needs to be aware that taking a year off after a cycle means not only have you wasted that entire cycle but you've set yourself way further back and your natural test is potentially shot.

Did you get any PRE/DURING/POST bloods? If your dead set on running another cycle i'd reccomend getting blood test done and posting your results here.

You really should know A LOT about every single compound your putting into your body before you cycle. That includes post cycle therapy and ancillaries for on cycle otherwise you could end up with major health problems.

Good luck.