I'm not very active on here but going to throw it out there... How old are you? I have a small frame myself but 5'10 and 150lbs seems too light to be taking steroids. You're not even close to your genetic potential. Also, how long have you been working out?
If I were you and I were dead set on cycling I would go get blood work done to see how/if you recovered from your first cycle. Don't just say 'I feel fine', get blood work. It's easy to do, inexpensive, and gives you valuable insight you can't get any other way.
Once your blood work comes back providing nothing sticks out as being alarming you can consider a cycle.
I would recommend test only so you can see how your body reacts to it. 500mg/week of Test-E would be a great cycle which should provide you some good gains that you can keep providing you follow proper PCT and keep eating lots when you're off cycle. Test-E takes a few weeks to kick in so if you really need that immediate gratification (you used anadrol first cycle) I would use tbol for four weeks as a kickstart. It's not nearly as liver toxic and does not bloat you like dbol would. Also, use an AI from day one. I use arimidex and like it. You can get it in liquid form so it's easy to measure. Everyone's dosing requirements are different but start at 0.5mg EOD and adjust as necessary.