New member
Hi. I am 29 5''11 195lbs. I was only weighing 150lbs before my first cycle. I can use professional advice on my second cycle and would appreciate everyones input. My last cycle i did Hexadex 450 which is a test blend,Eq and dboll. I had lovley gains 40lbs plus!! What i didnt do is use post cycle therapy (pct) and i was so depressed and out of energy and i couldnt even get myself to go to the gym for the last 3 month and i have lost my muscle defination and my body fat is higher than ever in my life. So i was thinking to doing a cutting cycle. I was thinking Trenadex Acetate 100 and Test cyp 250?? or just going with Masteron and actually doing a post cycle therapy (pct) this time causeas it was so terrible last time. Please let me think whats best for me to do.