Need help on the right way to take my cycle, really appreciated


New member
I need some help on this cycle

I'm 31

This is my second cycle. Did a deca/test cycle last January. Didn't have the best guidance, so I've been trying to read up and educate myself a bit before jumping on this one.

I read that proviron should not be used instead if an ai. But I'm not too sure if I should just run both or just the ai. I used proviron on my first cycle and really liked it. I did however get some sensitivity on my nipples. But no real swelling.

I would like to do Test E/Dbol. The Test E I can get is triblend 400mg or I can go with a different Test that's 250mg and shoot every 3 days. Not sure how I should take the 400mg test.

The dbol pills are 50mg. I would split it and take 25mg in the am and 25mg in the evening.

What would u guys recommend be the best way to run this cycle?

Any advice is really greatly appreciated! I know this is a common cycle on the forums, but they all have their little tweaks and I really wanna try and get the best advice for me.

I'm trying to bulk up and gain some size. My goal would be to get to 185 atleast. And the best way to come off and keep as much of my gains as possible.
Test 400 can be painful to pin. There's a lot of good threads that will answer all your questions. Pretty much everybody gets the same advice on basic cycles. This really ain't much different.
Correct with your dbol though, splitting it up makes it easier on the stomach, I prefer to take mine when I have breakfast and then before I workout, personal preference but each to their own bro
You just gotta check out the forums and put something together. Depending on how much gear you have.

For example:

Weeks 1-12 Test E
Weeks 1-4 Dbols split into 2 daily doses to keep blood levels optimal (short half-life)
Weeks 1-12/couple days before pct .25 Ai eod. adjust during first couple weeks because of the Dbols

and then 2 weeks after your last pin do your pct. I just put this together on the spot you gotta read up and see what works best for you.

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