Need help pct. Clomid enough?


New member
12 week cycle
Prop 100 eod
Tren. 50 eod 8 weeks
Var ed . 8 last weeks
Dex.5 eod

I have clomid. Is it enough? If so how much ? When to start? For how long?
12 week cycle
Prop 100 eod
Tren. 50 eod 8 weeks
Var ed . 8 last weeks
Dex.5 eod

I have clomid. Is it enough? If so how much ? When to start? For how long?

Can I have your complete stats? (weight, height, Bf%, Cycle Experience, What Cycle this is for you). Did you do your blood work in the beginning of your cycle? HCG? On Cycle Support? (Liver if some are orals, I cant tell)

Standard Clomid doses for on cycle estrogenic protection will normally be 50mg per day throughout the duration of the cycle. If this doesn***8217;t do the trick it***8217;s unlikely any amount of Clomid will work. If this does not provide the protection you need, keep in mind many have reproted greater success with the SERM Nolvadex for on cycle protection. However, you may very well need an AI like Arimidex, or even Letro depending if your prone to gyno, etc.

Standard PCT Clomid doses will normally start at 100-150mg per day for 1-2 weeks. From here the dose will drop to 50-100mg per day for 1-2 weeks and finish with 1-2 weeks at 50mg per day. Total Clomid therapy should last 4-6 weeks, so dosing should be based and considered on that total schedule. Most will also be far more successful in their PCT recovery by including Nolvadex and HCG.

Post Cycle Therapy should consist of both Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and Clomiphene (Clomid). The combination is important as they work in synergy to help you recover. Running only one of them will hinder your chance of recovery some. Your PCT protocol for this cycle should look like the following:

Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20

Each number above is representative of the daily dose for that week; for a 4 week total PCT run. So clomid would be taken at 75 mg daily for 1 week, then 3 weeks at 50mg daily. And Nolvadex would be 40 mg daily for 1 week, then 20 mg daily for the last 3 weeks. Make sense?

If you chose to go with a short ester such as Testosterone Propionate, you'll need to inject at a minimum of every other day. I good starting dose is 100 to 150 every other day, or 50 to 75 daily. Short ester cycle should last 8 weeks. hCG and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose remains the same as outlined above. PCT however, starts 3 days after your last injection of testosterone.

PCT start times:

Testosterone Enanthate = 14 days after last injection
Testosterone Cypionate = 18 day after last injection
Testosterone Propionate = 3 days after last injection

Finally, I recommend that you protect your liver. Yes, even on injectable cycles. For that I recommend 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily.
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Adex is anti aromatase medication. We refer to these as an AI. Test converts to estregen. Adex stops/slows this conversion from happening. Nolvadex is a blocker. It will bind to some of the same receptors that estrogen would bind to. So Nolvadex does nothing to lower estreogen. It just stops it from binding to certain areas of your body. You can still have very high E while on Nolvadex and still suffer effects of high e like water and fat retention, acne, etc, even if the nolva is keeping you from getting gyno. So we want to use an AI like adex to prevent e from being a proble to begin with. It usually comes in 1mg tabs and you can break them in half if you want to take less. The dose you need will be individual. Some guys need more, some need less. .5mg EOD to 1mg ED is average depending on the person and the gear dose. Nolvadex is good to have on hand if your E gets too high and you begin to get gyno. Take the nolva while you increase the adex. Over time, E levels will go down and the nolva will keep you safe during that time. caber... great for prolactin issues as well.

Taken From (below):

What should I run for PCT?

Here is a good thread on the topic.

Clomid & Nolva are BOTH required for a better chance at recovery --->>>

I also want to mention that a lot of guys seem to want to run hCG during PCT. It should be not run during PCT as it is suppressive to the HPTA.

Information on hCG:

My general position on hCG is that it should be used on cycle to help minimize testicular atrophy experienced when AAS is used. This will help one recover faster and better when the cycle ends and PCT begins. But as mentioned above, do not use hCG during PCT as it is suppressive to the HPTA. Here are a couple of great threads with lots of details about hCG. hCG is typically ran at 250iu every 3.5 days.

HCG use and Optimal storage method by 3J -

hCG on cycle benefits, mixing and administration details -

Study on biphasic testicular response to hCG.

Self-priming effect of luteinizing hormone-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) upon the biphasic testicular response to exogenous hCG. I. Serum test... - PubMed - NCBI

How Long to Wait Between Cycles?:

The time honored rule is that the minimum amount of time between cycles needs to be Time On + PCT = Time Off. So if you run a 12 week cycle (including the period when you don't inject while waiting for PCT) and 4 weeks of PCT you should wait at least 16 weeks before starting another cycle. This is giving your HPTA and organs enough time to recover from your cycle.

See Also:

Hope this helps!
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Can I have your complete stats? (weight, height, Bf%, Cycle Experience, What Cycle this is for you). Did you do your blood work in the beginning of your cycle? HCG? On Cycle Support? (Liver if some are orals, I cant tell)

Standard Clomid doses for on cycle estrogenic protection will normally be 50mg per day throughout the duration of the cycle. If this doesn***8217;t do the trick it***8217;s unlikely any amount of Clomid will work. If this does not provide the protection you need, keep in mind many have reproted greater success with the SERM Nolvadex for on cycle protection. However, you may very well need an AI like Arimidex, or even Letro depending if your prone to gyno, etc.

Standard PCT Clomid doses will normally start at 100-150mg per day for 1-2 weeks. From here the dose will drop to 50-100mg per day for 1-2 weeks and finish with 1-2 weeks at 50mg per day. Total Clomid therapy should last 4-6 weeks, so dosing should be based and considered on that total schedule. Most will also be far more successful in their PCT recovery by including Nolvadex and HCG.

Post Cycle Therapy should consist of both Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and Clomiphene (Clomid). The combination is important as they work in synergy to help you recover. Running only one of them will hinder your chance of recovery some. Your PCT protocol for this cycle should look like the following:

Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20

Each number above is representative of the daily dose for that week; for a 4 week total PCT run. So clomid would be taken at 75 mg daily for 1 week, then 3 weeks at 50mg daily. And Nolvadex would be 40 mg daily for 1 week, then 20 mg daily for the last 3 weeks. Make sense?

If you chose to go with a short ester such as Testosterone Propionate, you'll need to inject at a minimum of every other day. I good starting dose is 100 to 150 every other day, or 50 to 75 daily. Short ester cycle should last 8 weeks. hCG and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose remains the same as outlined above. PCT however, starts 3 days after your last injection of testosterone.

PCT start times:

Testosterone Enanthate = 14 days after last injection
Testosterone Cypionate = 18 day after last injection
Testosterone Propionate = 3 days after last injection

Finally, I recommend that you protect your liver. Yes, even on injectable cycles. For that I recommend 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily.
Yes i got blood work done. Everything ok. Im 5'10 205pds 36yrs old. 18%bf
6th cycle.
Iron mag cycle support