NEED HELP!! Please


I am banned!
im 17 years old 5'9" and 155 pounds...i started working out about a year ago and about 2-3 months ago i started parabolan at 1 cc everyother day for 20 days, i gained about 15 pounds from that and after that cycle i started and am currently on andophene at 1cc twice a week...ive been on the andophene for about 3 weeks and only seen about 3-5 pounds increase, i was wondering if you guys could help me on the best ways to come off the stuff without losing any mass...i want to get off for a couple weeks then go on dbols for a while...does this sound good??? ANY feedback is appericiated
i workout everyday and workout each muscle twice a week..i try to get about 4000 calories per day but can usually only get around 3000-3500 because of constitenly being busy...ive noticed a little bit of water retention but nothing major....ANYTHING will help! Thanks
7 days after you quit taking your andro, you needa start clomid for you pct and do 50mg every day for 3 weeks and you will be good, and for the dbol cycle you wanna start is it just straight dbol or you have some test with it?
Well the thing is that I want to get away from shots, I can't stand them and would just rather do pills...what would you recommend?
You were stupid to start that early, you have probably done some serious damage to yourself. I'd recommend you see a doctor and explain the situation.
Speaking a little off topic, have you guys heard of Lufsen D-Bomb.. Its a German lab I just got my hands on to stack with some british dragon enanthate.. 10 mg pink pills.
i know im stupid but i dont think anythings wrong with me but thats why im trying to figure out the best way to gett off for a while
Best way to get off is get off! Go get some lab work done and post back. Son your to young to be doing this! at your age you natural GH is at it highest. You should be taking full advantage of that. If your lab work is out of ballance seek a doc to help get it back
Orals will tear U up over the long run. If you cant handle shot this is probably not a game for you just my opinion
I'm not going to the doctors lol and as for the needels, I don't have a problem with then but I don't like the risk of my parents finding them (ill get killedd) plus what can be easier than a pill lol but the reason I started this is that I want to find out the best way to come off without shockiny my system