Need help post cycle


New member
Hey all I need some help about 3 months ago I finished a cycle of 500 mg test for 10 weeks and I did superdrol for two weeks about two weeks in at 20mg day after week seven I bumped the test up to 750 for two weeks then back to 500 for a week then waited 10 days and started pct 12.5mg aromasin and 50mg clomid then I got severe anxiety and dizziness so I stopped taking still getting anxiety and acne all over face shoulders and back almost 3 months later any clue what might happen have blood test lined up next week is it possible my test is low and estrogen high still?
Yes, it is possible. People must should get all information about all steroids cycle. are using post cycle therapy (pct) after cycle of prohormones or prosteroids. People should take 40mg Nolva and 100mg Clomid for 15 days then after 20mg Nolva and 50mg Clomid for next 15 days. You can get best information about this topic from:
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Hey all I need some help about 3 months ago I finished a cycle of 500 mg test for 10 weeks and I did superdrol for two weeks about two weeks in at 20mg day after week seven I bumped the test up to 750 for two weeks then back to 500 for a week then waited 10 days and started pct 12.5mg aromasin and 50mg clomid then I got severe anxiety and dizziness so I stopped taking still getting anxiety and acne all over face shoulders and back almost 3 months later any clue what might happen have blood test lined up next week is it possible my test is low and estrogen high still?

Did you ever get blood test results? I am curious because I experienced anxiety and panic symptoms during post cycle therapy (pct), which followed for some time after. I never had E2 check in my blood work but wish I had because it could have showed whether aas contributed to the anxiety. My testosterone free and total was high during post cycle therapy (pct), which was surprising.
Hey all I need some help about 3 months ago I finished a cycle of 500 mg test for 10 weeks and I did superdrol for two weeks about two weeks in at 20mg day after week seven I bumped the test up to 750 for two weeks then back to 500 for a week then waited 10 days and started pct 12.5mg aromasin and 50mg clomid then I got severe anxiety and dizziness so I stopped taking still getting anxiety and acne all over face shoulders and back almost 3 months later any clue what might happen have blood test lined up next week is it possible my test is low and estrogen high still?

EDIT: double post