Need help regarding continuing cycle.


New member
This is my second post . First I started a dbol only cycle. Then I realised it will not be f***tful so I added test e 500 and Dec 400 . Now first week I injected 250 mg test e and 400 deca . Then it was totaln500 mg test e and 400 deca per week injected in 2 shots per week Monday and Thursday . I completed 4 and half weeks on test test e and deca of my 9 week cycle. I went for blood test test . My test e level was just 1009 on Monday afternoon before get injected . Is it too low .is my gear not perfect. Should I continue or stop this cycle
Because my first 4 weeks were dbol only . Can't extend it beyond 8- 9 weeks . Now After 4.5 test level is just around 1000 . Also my prolectin has reached .60. Is it good to continue or to return this gear and gain back some money . I have ai , caber nolva and clomid.
Ok OP please give us your complete stats,
and some workout / training history.
It helps as you and O'logy members might continue on with help with n thru your cycle. :wavey:

No offense but buy some of your Q's it appears you are not well educated in the safe use of AAS.

You started with Dbol only and you are experiencing early on many sides. You do not mention the use of an AI ? Dbol , by way of your E2 will then raise your Prolactin. THe use of Cabergoline will bring that down. You must use an AI as Arimidex.

Before I continue and as you await the other members start reading the sticky The Sticky threads. Learn about Aromatase and an Inhibitors. Get to know ALL the unwanted side effects of high and low Estrogen ( E2 estradiol ) Learn about Prolactin, and Progesterone. Get yo know the steroid profiles.

I would just drop the Deca and continue with Test only @ 500 mgs wk with an AI. Some caber and your blood will start to straighten out. You had NO BUSINESS doing more the Test at your beginner level and education. Slow down and get this cycle under control as it will if you clean it up and you go 14-16 week and a good PCT.

Good Luck , ... OMM
So you did 4 weeks of dbol only, then 4-1/2 weeks of test and deca??? I guess that takes you to your 9 week limit, so you want to know if you should quit or not???

First off, dbol only bad idea. I guess you know that.

Second, test e and deca over 4-1/2 weeks is not long enough for much of anything. Enanthate will rise to about 85% of max over the first five week, decanoate will take about eight to hit that same mark. Obviously both take longer to reach max, which is why a 12 week cycle for these is a minimum, and for deca 14 or 16 is better (though harder to recover from).

Taking any AI? If not you should learn why.

And, since you are taking deca which is a 19-nor the standard blood test for testosterone and estradiol is useless. It will give false high levels. With a 19-nor you need the LC-MS version for testosterone and sensitive assay for estradiol. Given that, and your low results, I would question if your gear is seriously under dosed.

Have you got a PCT planned out? If not you should start learning about it and buy the stuff.

Prolactin 60 or 0.6??? If it was 60 I'll wager your dick isn't working any more.

So lots to think about. Are you going to bail or keep going? Going to get an AI and PCT? Going to get the right blood test?