need help to retsore natural levels, only 22, please read

New member
I am only 22 years old and I’m going through hell, here's a little background story to give you an idea where I stand

At the age of 18 when I began college I started using the college gym met some guys who offered me juice, with my low budget I ignorantly accepted the offer since I was a late bloomer, only when through puberty around 15, lacked confidence,
all the guys around me were having fun getting girls etc, so I done some poor online research ignored everyone who said I’m too young to cycle and went ahead to start my very first test only cycle at 500mg a week for 12 weeks when i was only 18,
saw massive gains and immediately saw more confidence etc,
off cycle my gains began disappearing and the confidence etc seemed to go with it, so I continued doing cycles to maintain this ignorant addiction, ended up doing 1 cycle when i was 18, 1 cycle when i was 19, 2 when i was 20, 2 when i was 21,
and one earlier this year when I was 22.
which makes it a total of 7 cycles, the first 6 were all the same 12 week test e 500mg per week with a 2 week clomid post cycle therapy (pct).
The one I done earlier this year was a 12 week test e cycle with 400mg deca per week, i ended this cycle in February this year waited about 24 days and done a 3 week post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid, 100mg per day week 1, 50mg per day week 2, 25mg per day week 3,
Its now October which is about 8 months since i ended this post cycle therapy (pct), since the end of this cycle I’ve had no sex drive, no motivation to go out and get girls like I used to, general tiredness, so I went out and done a testosterone test a few days ago,
my Total testosterone was at a shocking low of 56 ng/dl , I was expecting it to be low after 3 years of ignorant bashing on my endocrine system but was expecting it to be much higher after 8 months being off cycle, I am really depressed and in deep regret,
I have made a serious mistake out of youthful ignorance for superficial gain, compromising my health. I am afraid i could have possibly permanantly dmaged my hpta axis and would possibly and i really hope not need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life due to this mistake,
my question is how do i go about recovering my natural test levels, i cannot currently afford to see an endocrinologist and would need as much positive feedback from knowledge members in this area. I am only 22 have a whole life ahead of me,
and I have pledged not to ever touch juice if i recover back to my natty levels until I’m at least 30 years old. I have access to clomid nolvadex and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) which I know can help me recover butwould also just give temprorary help,
If so how would i go about using the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid to at least help kickstart my natural production. Am i permanently damaged, what else could I use to increase my LH and fsh ? any help would be much appreciated,
and let this post please be a warning to all other young adults that when people say you are too young they have good reason, I made the mistake please don’t. My current stats: 22 years old, 78kg,
(lost about 8kg since my cycle began, also I suffered from pneumonia last month and completely lost my diet as well which made me lose gains faster) bf% 14 .
Thanks in advance
What is your natural baseline test level?

Possibly you've always had low test but now after deca/test cycles I would assume it would be a little lower regardless.

just curious what are your stats?
Done a full physical when I was 18 and my test levels then were 315 ng/dl , which looking back now I believe was no where near my peak levels since I only matured at around age 15 which meant my levels were still climbing, my natural peak were probably going to come around age 20 - 22. which I messed up. Pitty I understood nothing about natural test levels back then. Were all meaningless figures.
Done a full physical when I was 18 and my test levels then were 315 ng/dl , which looking back now I believe was no where near my peak levels since I only matured at around age 15 which meant my levels were still climbing, my natural peak were probably going to come around age 20 - 22. which I messed up. Pitty I understood nothing about natural test levels back then. Were all meaningless figures.

Just curious on what your doc had to say about that???...That's extremely low for an 18yr old!!

That had disaster written all over it, especially to use AAS at that point!
Your way too young to start juice........... should of waited till you developed your natural potential, and only then started juice......GOOD LUCK! LET'S ALL HOPE YOUR NOT A testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) USER FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE...........
More than likely u can restore natrual levels..a lot of us have made mistakes. I have. I did my first cycle at 18 and stayed on for a whole year straight basically. And my test levels were messed up for a bit but they came back. Ur body is pretty resilient so you should bounce back, unless ur one of the unlucky ones. Like i said earlier. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is the way to go. If that doesn't work try Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) plus SERM treatment.
I would say go to your doctor and make an appointment to see an endocrinologist, these guys are pro's and will have a few safe options for you. If that cant happen for whatever reason, there are androgen gels that u can apply to your skin (dermis) and are for testosterone replacement therapy in men twice your age but nonetheless.. Seek out a naturopathic specialist and they may suggest some natural herbal remedies that are safe for you. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should help grow your nuts back but i dunno about your hpta ..Shitty to hear you made some mistakes but we've all been there, good luck homie