need help w/diet


New member
currently 5'7 195 -200# need to lose some bf don't know % but 36in.waist only fat in gut area train 3x a week cardio 2x as follows:
6am 5-6eggwhite oml.w/oatmeal and cinn.
730am protein shake
9am bowl oatmeal w/protein 1 scoop pinapple juice small bagel
11am chick.breast w/noodles or rice &pineapple
1pm coffee
215pm can tuna and yogurt
330-5pm train followed by prot shake w/dex and creatine
6pm chick or beef w/pasta and brocc.
8pm chick. breast
10pm 4 eggs w/1/4cup lo fat cheese
11pm prot.shake and goto bed
Your diet looks ok, but if you want to burn fat you will have to hit the gym more. Do cardio at least 4 times a week, and for 35-45 minutes. Also, I would bump up weight training to 4 or 5 days a week too.
thanx, i've been training for 3-4 byrs. but never really did cardio guess i just wanted to gain wt.