Hi guys. I am hoping some of you guys that are very knowledgable on the subject could answer some questions for me about the clen/t3 cycle i am going to be doing.
1. Is clen/t3, used in reasonable dosages, safe and effective? Have any of you guys ever heard of someone dying off of clen using just the reccomended dosages? Is it safer than an ECA stack?
2. How long can I run these compounds for? I was told 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Then I read some where that 4 weeks on is ok, but add benadryl in at the 2nd week.
3. I just had an echocardiogram and a stress test done last week and everything seems good. My blood pressure is also good. The question I have for you guys is this, if taking clen/t3 and doing an hour of cardio a day, 5 days a week on the eliptical glider, is that going to be asking for a heart attack or stroke? Ive been doing a half hour a day for about 6 months, about 6 weeks ago, I bumped it up to an hour a day, 5 to 6 days a week.
4. Is it ok to be taking Cellmass while on the clen/t3 cycle? I really want to lose as much bf as I can by 7/4/05 weekend. I was told that taking creatine can slow down the fat burning process. I am also taking finigenix, a tren precursor (Ive used it before and saw some ok gains) and I am also going to be using up the rest of the M1t that I have.
5. I know I am going to catch shit for this, but I might as well tell you guys, I am a light smoker. A pack usually lasts me about a week, will smoking while on clen increase the chances of a heart attack?
6. I am 32 years old, 5'11, 260lbs, and I estimate that I have about 30lbs of bf on me. Ive been training hard and naturally for about 17 years. Other than 2 light cycles, (last one was about 2 years ago) and some pro hormone cycles, Ive never really walked on the darkside before or even taking creatine, now is the first time for that. The reason why I am hauling ass to lose bf is because of this reunion that I am going to on 7/4/05.
I really need some expert advice on the clen/t3 cycle. I know that their is some real mental giants here that know what they are talking about and I am hoping you guys can help me do this with out me getting killed in the process. I will not even think about DNP. I also want to add that I have used ECA stacks and xenadrine before and never had any problems.
Thanks alot guys for what ever help and info you can give. Sorry if the info I provided seems sporadic, its just that I am at work and I am in a rush to get this post up.
1. Is clen/t3, used in reasonable dosages, safe and effective? Have any of you guys ever heard of someone dying off of clen using just the reccomended dosages? Is it safer than an ECA stack?
2. How long can I run these compounds for? I was told 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Then I read some where that 4 weeks on is ok, but add benadryl in at the 2nd week.
3. I just had an echocardiogram and a stress test done last week and everything seems good. My blood pressure is also good. The question I have for you guys is this, if taking clen/t3 and doing an hour of cardio a day, 5 days a week on the eliptical glider, is that going to be asking for a heart attack or stroke? Ive been doing a half hour a day for about 6 months, about 6 weeks ago, I bumped it up to an hour a day, 5 to 6 days a week.
4. Is it ok to be taking Cellmass while on the clen/t3 cycle? I really want to lose as much bf as I can by 7/4/05 weekend. I was told that taking creatine can slow down the fat burning process. I am also taking finigenix, a tren precursor (Ive used it before and saw some ok gains) and I am also going to be using up the rest of the M1t that I have.
5. I know I am going to catch shit for this, but I might as well tell you guys, I am a light smoker. A pack usually lasts me about a week, will smoking while on clen increase the chances of a heart attack?
6. I am 32 years old, 5'11, 260lbs, and I estimate that I have about 30lbs of bf on me. Ive been training hard and naturally for about 17 years. Other than 2 light cycles, (last one was about 2 years ago) and some pro hormone cycles, Ive never really walked on the darkside before or even taking creatine, now is the first time for that. The reason why I am hauling ass to lose bf is because of this reunion that I am going to on 7/4/05.
I really need some expert advice on the clen/t3 cycle. I know that their is some real mental giants here that know what they are talking about and I am hoping you guys can help me do this with out me getting killed in the process. I will not even think about DNP. I also want to add that I have used ECA stacks and xenadrine before and never had any problems.
Thanks alot guys for what ever help and info you can give. Sorry if the info I provided seems sporadic, its just that I am at work and I am in a rush to get this post up.