Need help with pct After being on short cycle


New member
I am 18 years old at 180lbs. I was stupid and don't read up enough about it and started a cycle of test e too early. I have taken 2 shots @ 250ml or 1cc within the past week and have 8 shots left. I am stopping now and was wondering if I need to take a pct if so how much and how long? Thanks
Need help with pct after short cycle

I am 18 years old at 180lbs. I was stupid and don't read up enough about it and started a cycle of test e too early. I have taken 2 shots @ 250ml or 1cc within the past week and have 8 shots left. I am stopping now and was wondering if I need to take a pct if so how much and how long? Thanks
Run nolva and clomid pct. I think a pct is a good idea, but I am close to 100% sure you will recover without one since you only pinned 500mg test in total. Run pct just to be safe
dont take anything, no PCT or steroids.. just stop and hope you didnt mess yourself up for life. even PCT meds can cause issues and i would advise not to take it under these circumstances... also 8 shots left would have been a pointless cycle to begin with.....