Need help with peptides please!!


New member
HI, Ok I wanted to first start out with my stats I' 6'0 feet tall and 260lbs and I'm approx 18% Bf. I just finsishing a Test/Anavar cycle and I feel pretty good. I have a some nolva on hand for pct and I couldn't get clomid from my guy so I ordered clomiphene from extreme pep. I have heard they have decent legit gear and the prices are amazing compared to other sites but that's what scares me. I have also just started looking into other peptides and heard that IGF-1 DES is suppose to be great for after a cycle . I was also looking into taking ghrp-2 and taking it with (mod)cjc-1295 wo dac. I hear that is a great peptide stack. Then I read about mgf is great for taking while on it. Also Lparlmean is suppose to be good don't think I spelled that ....I want a good stack of peptides to take in between cycles....I plan on doing maybe 2 cycles per year at most...I've been working out for 3 years straight about 10 years off and on...I'm 28.So my question is What would be a good stack of peptides to take especially to help in fat loss with diet and some cardio...I hear Igf-1 des is great to take pre workout and for spot injection on what body part you are working out that day. So would I take one shot of Des before workout and IGF-1 LR3 in morning and before bed since it's suppose to be taken 2-3 times per day...and do I mix the mod cjc with the ghrp-2 in same shot.....I could really use some advice on best peptide stack...Any info would be really helpful guys...I need a person who is experienced to give me some advice...Help a guy out ;)-Cheers