Need help with TRT...Andriol?

optimus primal

New member
Hi has anyone on here had ne experience with HRT. A few months ago I had my test levels checked and they were on the low end for my age, im 28. My doctor perscribed me andriol. He told me to take 2 pills a day for a week and than 1 pill a week until they ran out. The dosage seemed very low to me but I thought I would listen to him and see what would happen. Well I took it for 60 days and just did another blood test. Ny free test level came back at 37.1 pmol/l and my dhea at 4.8 umol/l and estradiol at 139 pmol/l. I eat helathy and have been working out since I was 15, so these levels look extremely low to me. My muscularity has dropped over the last few years and so has my strength, but Im still quite muscular and can bench over 315 and squat in the rainge of 405, so I am a little confused with these results, but I am softer and have less stamina. He once again prescribed andriol to me and this time told me to take 2 tabs a day for three weeks and 1 tab a day for 3 weeks. What do you guys think about this? Also what do you guys think about my test levels? Any and all input would be greatly appreciated. I want to avoid going self prescribed cycles and just want my levels to be somewhat closer to the high end of the spectrum.