Need info on a good quick cycle


New member
I am going to Europe soon and want to know a good cycle I can cut up before I go that will be 6 weeks long or under? I've done a few cycles before but have been off for a few months now.
Clen and T3 with some ketotifen? I'm not a fan of short AAS cycles as it's like foreplay without the sex imo. The only way I can see it working is if you ran TNE with an oral maybe? Prop and acetate take a good week or two to "kick in", so you'd only have 4 weeks of active hormones in you, with another couple weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) while in Europe. I'd personally just hold off or run the thermogenics (ECA is a good alternative too) for now.

My .02c :)
Clen and T3 with some ketotifen? I'm not a fan of short AAS cycles as it's like foreplay without the sex imo. The only way I can see it working is if you ran TNE with an oral maybe? Prop and acetate take a good week or two to "kick in", so you'd only have 4 weeks of active hormones in you, with another couple weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) while in Europe. I'd personally just hold off or run the thermogenics (ECA is a good alternative too) for now.

My .02c :)

This is exactly what I will be doing next. RUI here I come!! :)