Need information I can not find on the cycle I want to do


New member
Hey guys I have a few questions on my next cycle and looking for any input you may have

Quick bio of myself

Age 28 years old

Weight currently 254
Height is 6"3
BF. 18.9
Cycle history I have done 3 cycles

Cycle 1 test c and dbol(first 4 weeks)
Cycle 2 test p mast and hcg
Cycle 3 test p mast tren hcg

All cycles I have done the proper pct with clomid and nova

had great results with what I did so I stopped cycling. Well after a couple months of not cycling I had to have my gallbladder removed my question is will not having my gallbladder effect my next cycle in anyway? My next cycle I'm wanting to do is a cutting cycle. I won't be starting the cycle until I'm below 15% BF I am in no rush to start the cycle but I would like to get as fit and cut as I can before my wedding which is in november. I have a source for what I need but currently I have test c 2 vials 1 vial of tren ace half vial of mast. Also have nolva and hcg on hand as well but will need to get more before my cycle .

Currently I'm doing light weight tons of reps and the gym for my weight training and I have picked up my cardio and my diet. I'm currently doing paleo diet sticking to 1900-2100 cals a day seeing to be my 500 cal deficit for cardio I do a tad of running my job is a very active on your feet running around job and I do the beach body t25 also 5 days a week.

So please if you have any suggestions what my next cycle should be it has been over a year since I have cycled but like I said I'm in no rush to start until after I'm below 15% BF

Thank you